frequently observed bins can be treated using a joint, typically
zero-order, probability model. Compared to the conventional
approach of using context models in the original domain of the
source with typically large alphabet size (like e.g., components
of motion vector differences or transform coefficient levels) this
additional freedom in the design offers a flexible instrument for
using higher order conditional probabilities without suffering
from context “dilution” effects. These effects are often observed
in cases, where a large number of conditional probabilities have
to be adaptively estimated on a relatively small (coding) time
interval, such that there are not enough samples to reach a reli-
able estimate for each model.
For instance, when operating in the original alphabet domain,
aquitemoderatelychosensecond-order model for agivensyntax
element alphabet of size
will result in the intractably
large number of
symbol probabilities to
be estimated for that particular syntax element only. Even for a
zero-order model, the task of tracking 255 individual probability
estimates according to the previous example is quite demanding.
However, typically measured probability density functions (pdf)
of prediction residuals or transformed prediction errors can be
modeled by highly peaked Laplacian, generalized Gaussian or
geometric distributions [28], where it is reasonable to restrict the
statistical variations at the peak of the pdf. Thus, if, for instance,
a binary tree resulting from a Huffman code design would be
chosen as a binarization for such a source and its related pdf,
only the nodes located in the vicinity of the root node would
be natural candidates for being modeled individually, whereas a
joint model would be assigned to all nodes on deeper tree levels
corresponding to the “tail” of the pdf. Note that this design is
different from the example given in Fig. 2, where each (internal)
node has its own model.
In the CABAC framework, typically only the root node would
be modeled using higher order conditional probabilities. In the
above example of a second-order model, this would result in
only four different binary probability models instead of
-ary probability models with .
2) Design of CABAC Binarization Schemes: As already
indicated above, a binary representation for a given nonbinary
valued syntax element provided by the binarization process
should be close to a minimum-redundancy code. On the one
hand, this allows easy access to the most probable symbols by
means of the binary decisions located at or close to the root
node for the subsequent modeling stage. On the other hand,
such a code tree minimizes the number of binary symbols to
encode on the average, hence minimizing the computational
workload induced by the binary arithmetic coding stage.
However, instead of choosing a Huffman tree for a given
training sequence, the design of binarization schemes in
CABAC (mostly) relies on a few basic code trees, whose struc-
ture enables a simple on-line computation of all code words
without the need for storing any tables. There are four such
basic types: the unary code, the truncated unary code, the
order Exp-Golomb code, and the fixed-length code. In addition,
there are binarization schemes based on a concatenation of
A more rigorous treatment of that problem can be found in [23] and [24]
Fig. 3. Construction of
th order EGk code for a given unsigned integer
these elementary types. As an exception of these structured
types, there are five specific, mostly unstructured binary trees
that have been manually chosen for the coding of macroblock
types and submacroblock types. Two examples of such trees
are shown in Fig. 2.
In the remaining part of this section, we explain in more detail
the construction of the four basic types of binarization and its
Unary and Truncated Unary Binarization Scheme: For each
unsigned integer valued symbol
, the unary code word
in CABAC consists of
“1” bits plus a terminating “0” bit. The
truncated unary (TU) code is only definedfor
with ,
where for
the code is given by the unary code, whereas
the terminating “0” bit is neglected such that the TU
code of
is given by a codeword consisting of “1” bits
th order Exp-Golomb Binarization Scheme: Exponential
Golomb codes were first proposed by Teuhola [29] in the
context of run-length coding schemes. This parameterized
family of codes is a derivative of Golomb codes, which have
been proven to be optimal prefix-free codes for geometrically
distributed sources [30]. Exp-Golomb codes are constructed by
a concatenation of a prefix and a suffix code word. Fig. 3 shows
the construction of the
th order Exp-Golomb (EGk) code
word for a given unsigned integer symbol
. The prefix part of
the EGk code word consists of a unary code corresponding to
the value of
The EGk suffix part is computed as the binary representation
using significant bits, as can be
seen from the pseudo-C code in Fig. 3.
Consequently, for the EGk binarization, the number of sym-
bols having the same code length of
is ge-
ometrically growing. By inverting Shannon’s relationship be-
tween ideal code length and symbol probability, we can, e.g.,
easily deduce that EG0 is the optimal code for a pdf
with . This implies that for an appropri-
ately chosen parameter
, the EGk code represents a fairly good
first-order approximation of the ideal prefix-free code for tails
of typically observed pdf’s, at least for syntax elements that are
representing prediction residuals.
Fixed-Length (FL) Binarization Scheme: For the application
of FL binarization, a finite alphabet of values of the corre-
sponding syntax element is assumed. Let
denote a given
value of such a syntax element, where
. Then, the