Highly sensitive and homogeneous SERS substrate
fabricated by a femtosecond laser combined
with dewetting
Xudong Tan (谭旭东), Lan Jiang (姜 澜), Jie Hu (胡 洁)*, Pengjun Liu (刘鹏军),
Andong Wang (王安东), and Yong Lu (芦 勇)
Laser Micro/Nano Fabrication Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
*Corresponding author: jiehu2@bit.edu.cn
Received June 16, 2015; accepted September 10, 2015; posted online October 5, 2015
We report a simple, cost-effective and repeatable method for fabricating a large area and uniform substrate for
surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The silicon, micromachined by a femtosecond laser, is coated with
gold film and then treated through the dewetting process. The morphology shows a higher electric field enhance-
ment due to light trapping. The enhancement factor of the SERS substrate is 9.2 × 10
with a 5 nm-thick film
coated. Moreover, it also exhibits a uniform signal through Raman mapping and chemical stability with the
greatest intensity deviation of 6% after a month. The proposed technique provides an opportunity to equip
microchips with the SERS capabilities of high sensitivity, chemical stability, and homogeneous signals.
OCIS codes: 240.6695, 140.7090.
doi: 10.3788/COL201513.111401.
Since its discovery in 1974 by Fleischmann et al.,
surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has been ex-
tensively researched in chemistry, biology, and materials
. The related research field covers the enhance-
ment mechanism of SERS as well as its applications as a
sensitive surface analytical tool for chemo/bio sensing
The mechanisms of the electromagnetic (EM) enhance-
ment induced by surface plasmon resonance usually
require a nanostructured metal substrate where the collec-
tive oscillation of the free electrons is confined, leading to
localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) under irradi-
ation of light
. The peak position and intensity of
LSPR can be strongly influenced by the roughness of the
prepared nanostructures.
Nanostructure plays an important role in producing
high-intensity scattering signals because it increases the
surface roughness and facilitates the generation of “hot
spots” that existed between adjacent nanoparticles (NPs)
and greatly enhances the EM field around them. Over the
past decade, most SERS substrates have been manufac-
tured by the conventional lithographic method; hence,
the development of cost-effective and simple procedures
to create nanostructured surfaces is attracting more atten-
tion in the SERS research field. The advancement in fem-
tosecond (fs) laser technology has opened new possibilit ies
for cost-effective fabrication of nanostructures on most
solid materials
More recently, fs laser-irradiated silicon wafers with
diverse surface morphologies have been reported to yield
high SERS enhancement factors (EFs) when coated with
thin film
and used in conjunction with methods such as
or nanosecond laser processing
. It has
also been demonstrated that the nanostructures formed
by the laser processing in silver nitrate solutions can
produce high EFs
. Despite these advantages, in nano-
second laser processing it is often difficult to control the
signal homogeneity due to non-uniform thermal effects. In
the solution processing system, the suspended silicon
debris would disturb further fabrication to form a large
and uniform substrate. Moreover, the chemical instability
of silver is an intrinsic drawback. Although the EF of gold
is not as high as silver, the high chemical stability and
molecular compatibility are considerable advantages.
Therefore the current demand of reliable and low-cost
substrates with both large-scale uniformity and high
EFs have severely limited the use of SERS in most
In this Letter, we first propose a two-step approach that
effectively combines fs laser fabrication and the thermal
dewetting process to obtain a NP array distributed
throughout the micro/nano structure, as illustrated in
1. The first step is to fabricate large and uniform
Fig. 1. Schematic fabrication process of SERS substrates.
COL 13(11), 111401(2015) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS November 10, 2015
1671-7694/2015/111401(4) 111401-1 © 2015 Chinese Optics Letters