reconstruction (depth) and sensor fusion, while mentioning
other fields as image processing (denoising and super-
resolution), segmentation, motion estimation, tracking and
human pose estimation (used for pedestrian movement
analysis). The detection part is split into 2-D and 3-D. The 3-D
method is classified as camera-based, LiDAR-based, radar-
based and sensor fusion-based. Similarly, depth estimation is
categorized as monocular image-based, stereo-based and sensor
A. Image Processing
Image quality and resolution are requested in the perception.
The existing denoising methods can fall into end-to-end CNN
and combination of CCN with prior knowledge. A survey of
image denoising by deep learning is given in [60].
The super-resolution methods based on deep learning can be
roughly categorized into supervised and unsupervised. The
supervised manner is split into pre-upsampling, post-
upsampling, progressive-upsampling and iterative up-and-
down sampling. The unsupervised manner could be zero-shot
learning, weak supervised and prior knowledge-based. An
overview of image super-resolution refers to [59].
B. 2-D Detection
There are good survey papers in this domain [76, 77]. Here we
only briefly introduce some important methods in the short
The object detection by deep learning are roughly named as
one-stage and two-stage methods. The first two stage method
is R-CNN (region-based) [61] with feature extraction by CNN;
fast R-CNN [63] improves it with SPP (spatial pyramid
pooling) [62] layers that generate a fixed-length representation
without rescaling; faster RCNN [64] realizes end-to-end
detection with the introduced RPN (region proposal network);
FPN (feature pyramid network) [67] proposes a top-down
architecture with lateral connections to build the feature
pyramid for detection with a wide variety of scales; a GAN
version of fast RCNN is achieved [69].
YOLO (You Only Look Once) is the first one-stage detector in
deep learning era, which divides the image into regions and
predicts bounding boxes and probabilities for each region
simultaneously [66]. SSD (single shot detector) was the second
one-stage detector with the introduction of the multi-reference
and multi-resolution [65], which can detect objects of different
scales on different layers of the network. PeleeNet [72] is used
for detection as the SSD backbone, a combination of DenseNet
and MobileNet.
YOLO already has 4 versions [68, 70-71, 75], which further
improve the detection accuracy while keeps a very high
detection speed:
• YOLO v2[68] replaces dropout and VGG Net with BN and
GoogleNet respectively, introduces anchor boxes as prior
in training, takes images with different sizes by removing
fully connected layers, apply DarkNet for acceleration and
WordTree for 9000 classes in object detection;
• YOLO v3 [71] uses multi-label classification, replaces the
softmax function with independent logistic classifiers,
applies feature pyramid like FPN, replace DarkNet-19 with
DarkNet-53 (skip connection);
• YOLO v4 [75] uses Weighted-Residual-Connections
(WRC) and Cross-Stage-Partial-Connections (CSP), takes
Mish-activation, DropBlock regularization and Cross
mini-Batch Normalization (CmBN), runs Self-adversarial-
training (SAT) and Mosaic data augmentation in training,
and CIoU loss in bounding box regression.
RetinaNet is a method with a new loss function named “focal
loss” to handle the extreme foreground-background class
imbalance [70]. Focal Loss enables the one-stage detectors to
achieve comparable accuracy of two-stage detectors while
maintaining very high detection speed. VoVNet [73] is another
variation of DenseNet comprised of One-Shot Aggregation
(OSA) applied for both one-stage and two-stage efficient object
detection. EfficientDet [74] applies a weighted bi-directional
FPN (BiFPN) and EfficientNet backbones.
Recently anchor-free methods get more noticed due to the
proposal of FPN and Focal Loss [78-90]. Anchors are
introduced to refine to the final detection location, first occurred
in SSD, then in faster R-CNN and YOLO v2. The anchors are
defined as the grid on the image coordinates at all possible
locations, with different scale and aspect ratio. However, it is
found fewer anchors result in better speed but deteriorate the
Fig. 5. Spatial CNN for lane detection, from reference [94].