I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my editor, Molly Taylor, and to all members
of the team that have contributed to this fourth edition with their wonderful talents, wisdom,
experience, and energy. This especially includes Andrew Coppola, Alexander Gontar, Linda
Helcher, Charu Khanna, Jill A. Quinn, Shaylin Walsh Hogan, and Richard Stratton.
Finally, I would also like to thank various reviewers who have helped with the de-
velopment of this book, especially Christopher Scott Brown of the University of South
Alabama for his work on the fourth edition. The reviewers of the first edition include Mary
R. Anderson, Arizona State University; Charles E. Antle, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park; Sant Ram Arora, University of Minnesota—Twin Cities Campus; William
R. Astle, Colorado School of Mines; Lee J. Bain, University of Missouri—Rolla; Douglas
M. Bates, University of Wisconsin—Madison; Rajan Batta, The State University of New
York at Buffalo; Alan C. Bovik, University of Texas at Austin; Don B. Campbell, Western
Illinois University; M. Jeya Chandra, Pennsylvania State University—University Park; Yueh-
Jane Chang, Idaho State University; Chung-Lung Chen, Mississippi State University; Inchan
Choi, Wichita State University; John R. Cook, North Dakota State University; Rianto A.
Djojosugito, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Lucien Duckstein, University
of Arizona; Earnest W. Fant, University of Arkansas; Richard F. Feldman, Texas A & M
University; Sam Gutmann, Northeastern University; Carol O’Connor Holloman, University
of Louisville; Chi-Ming Ip, University of Miami; Rasul A. Khan, Cleveland State Univer-
sity; Stojan Kotefski, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Walter S. Kuklinski, University
of Massachusetts—Lowell; S. Kumar, Rochester Institute of Technology; Gang Li, Univer-
sity of North Carolina at Charlotte; Jiye-Chyi Lu, North Carolina State University; Ditlev
Monrad, University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign; John Morgan, California Polytechnic
State University—Pomona; Paul J. Nahin, University of New Hampshire; Larry Ringer, Texas
A & M University; Paul L. Schillings, Montana State University; Ioannis Stavrakakis, The
University of Vermont; and James J. Swain, University of Alabama—Huntsville.
The reviewers of the second edition were Alexander Dukhovny, San Francisco State Uni-
versity; Marc Genton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Diwakar Gupta, University of
Minnesota; Joseph J. Harrington, Harvard University; and Jim Rowland, University of Kansas.
Survey respondents for the third edition include Mostafa S. Aminzadeh, Towson Univer-
sity; Barb Barnet, University of Wisconsin—Platteville; Ronald D. Bennett, Bethel College;
Shannon Brewer, Northeast State Community College; Frank C. Castronova, Lawrence Tech-
nological University; Mike Doviak, Old Dominion University; Natarajan Gautam, Penn State
University; Peggy Hart, Doane College; Wei-Min Huang, Lehigh University; Xiaoming Huo,
Georgia Tech; Bruce N. Janson, University of Colorado at Denver; Scott Jilek, University
of St. Thomas; Michael Kostreva, Clemson University; Paul Kvam, Georgia Tech; David
W. Matolak, Ohio University; Gary C. McDonald, Oakland University; Megan Meece, Uni-
versity of Florida; Luke Miller, University of San Diego; Steve Patch, University of North
Carolina at Asheville; Robi Polikar, Rowan University; Andrew M. Ross, Lehigh University;
Manuel D. Rossetti, University of Arkansas; Robb Sinn, North Georgia College and State
University; Bradley Thiessen, St. Ambrose University; Dolores Tichenor, Tri-State Univer-
sity; Lewis VanBrackle, Kennesaw State University; Jerry Weyand, Cleary University; Ed
Wheeler, University of Tennessee at Martin; Elaine Zanutto, The Wharton School, University
of Pennsylvania; and Kathy Zhong, University of Detroit Mercy.
The reviewers for the fourth edition include Georgiana Baker, University of South
Carolina; Arthur Cohen, Rutgers University; Diane Evans, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technol-
ogy; Piotr Kokoszka, Utah State University; Nikolay Strigul, Stevens Institute of Technology;
and Daniela Szatmari Voicu, Kettering University.
Anthony Hayter