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《Docker入门实战》是一本由国内Docker社区DocKOne.io推出的实用教程,专为国内Docker爱好者打造,内容全面,涵盖了Docker的基础概念、安装与配置、实战应用、安全管理以及高级技术如Dockerfile、Docker Compose、Docker Machine、Docker Swarm等。以下是对书中主要章节的详细解读: 1. **前言**:引导读者理解Docker在现代软件开发中的重要性,强调其对构建、部署和管理软件容器化环境的价值。 2. **Docker简介**: - **什么是Docker**:Docker是一种开源的应用容器引擎,允许开发者打包他们的应用及其依赖包到一个可移植的容器中,确保跨平台的一致性。 - **为什么要用Docker**:Docker通过提供轻量级、隔离的运行环境,解决了传统虚拟机的性能问题,并简化了软件部署流程,有助于提高开发效率和降低运维成本。 3. **基本概念**: - **镜像**:Docker的核心概念,是构建容器的基础,包含了应用程序及其所有依赖,像是一个代码和运行时环境的冻结版本。 - **容器**:实际运行的应用实例,基于镜像创建,每个容器都有自己的独立资源隔离。 4. **安装**:详细介绍了在Ubuntu和CentOS等操作系统上的Docker安装步骤,以便用户在不同平台上快速上手。 5. **镜像操作**:讲解了如何获取、创建、管理、导出和删除镜像,以及镜像实现的原理。 6. **容器操作**:涉及启动、守护模式、终止、进出容器、数据卷管理、容器网络设置等内容,包括基本的容器网络配置和高级选项。 7. **仓库**:重点介绍Docker Hub(公共镜像库)和私有仓库的使用,以及配置文件设置。 8. **数据管理**:探讨数据卷的概念,如何进行备份、恢复和数据迁移,以及数据卷容器的运用。 9. **网络配置**:涉及容器外部访问、容器间通信、高级网络设置,如自定义网桥、DNS配置、访问控制和端口映射。 10. **实战案例**:通过一系列实际场景,如使用Supervisor管理进程、创建分布式应用集群、多主机间的容器通信和环境标准化,让读者深入了解Docker的实际应用。 11. **安全**:探讨内核命名空间、控制组等安全机制,以及如何保护Docker服务器和数据。 12. **Dockerfile**:深入解析Dockerfile的结构和指令,以及如何利用它创建自定义镜像。 13. **高级技术**:包括Docker Compose项目管理、Docker Machine管理和Swarm集群管理,以及Etcd分布式键值存储和Fig项目管理工具。 14. **其他项目和工具**:CoreOS和Kubernetes等容器编排框架的介绍,以及相关命令和配置的使用。 《Docker入门实战》提供了丰富的学习材料,无论是初学者还是进阶者,都能在本书中找到适合自己的学习路径,掌握Docker这一强大工具,提升软件开发和运维的效率。
2018-04-04 上传
In September 2013, while browsing Hacker News, I stumbled across an article in Wired about a new technology called “Docker.” 1 As I read it, I became increasingly excited as I realized Docker’s revolutionary potential. The company I’d worked at for over a decade was struggling to deliver software quickly enough. Provisioning environments was a costly, time-consuming, manual, and inelegant affair. Continuous integration was barely existent, and setting up devel- opment environments was an exercise in patience. As my job title included the words “DevOps Manager,” I was peculiarly motivated to solve these problems! I recruited a couple of motivated coworkers (one of them now my coauthor) via a company mailing list, and together our skunkworks team labored to turn a beta tool into a business advantage, reducing the high costs of VM s and enabling new ways of thinking about building and deploying software. We even built and open sourced an automation tool (ShutIt) to suit our organization’s delivery needs. Docker gave us a packaged and maintained tool that solved many problems that would have been effectively insuperable had we taken it upon ourselves to solve them. This was open source at its best, empowering us to take on a challenge using our spare time, overcoming technical debt, and learning lessons daily. Lessons not only about Docker, but about continuous integration, continuous delivery, packaging, automa- tion, and how people respond to speedy and disruptive technological change. 1 PREFACE xviii For us, Docker is a remarkably broad tool. Wherever you run software using Linux, Docker can impact it. This makes writing a book on the subject challenging, because the landscape is as broad as software itself. The task is made more onerous by the extraordinary rate at which the Docker ecosystem is producing solutions to meet the needs that emerge from such a fundamental change in software production. Over time, the shape of problems and solutions became familiar to us, and in this book we’ve endeavored to pass on this experience. This will enable you to figure out solu- tions to your particular technical and business constraints. When giving talks at meetups, we’re struck by how quickly Docker has become effective within organizations willing to embrace it. This book mirrors how we used Docker, going from our desktops, through the DevOps pipeline, and all the way to production. As a consequence, this book is sometimes unorthodox, but as engineers we believe that purity must sometimes give way to practicality, especially when it comes to saving money! Everything in this book is based on real lessons from the field, and we hope you benefit from our hard-won experience.