3D Semantic Segmentation with Submanifold Sparse Convolutional Networks
Benjamin Graham
Facebook AI Research
Martin Engelcke
University of Oxford
Laurens van der Maaten
Facebook AI Research
Convolutional networks are the de-facto standard for an-
alyzing spatio-temporal data such as images, videos, and
3D shapes. Whilst some of this data is naturally dense (e.g.,
photos), many other data sources are inherently sparse. Ex-
amples include 3D point clouds that were obtained using
a LiDAR scanner or RGB-D camera. Standard “dense”
implementations of convolutional networks are very ineffi-
cient when applied on such sparse data. We introduce new
sparse convolutional operations that are designed to pro-
cess spatially-sparse data more efficiently, and use them
to develop spatially-sparse convolutional networks. We
demonstrate the strong performance of the resulting mod-
els, called submanifold sparse convolutional networks (SS-
CNs), on two tasks involving semantic segmentation of 3D
point clouds. In particular, our models outperform all prior
state-of-the-art on the test set of a recent semantic segmen-
tation competition.
1. Introduction
Convolutional networks (ConvNets) constitute the state-
of-the art method for a wide range of tasks that involve
the analysis of data with spatial and/or temporal struc-
ture, such as photos, videos, or 3D surface models. While
such data frequently comprises a densely populated (2D or
3D) grid, other datasets are naturally sparse. For instance,
handwriting is made up of one-dimensional lines in two-
dimensional space, pictures made by RGB-D cameras are
three-dimensional point clouds, and polygonal mesh mod-
els form two-dimensional surfaces in 3D space.
The curse of dimensionality applies, in particular, to data
that lives on grids that have three or more dimensions: the
number of points on the grid grows exponentially with its
dimensionality. In such scenarios, it becomes increasingly
important to exploit data sparsity whenever possible in or-
der to reduce the computational resources needed for data
processing. Indeed, exploiting sparsity is paramount when
Work done while interning at Facebook AI Research
Figure 1: Examples of 3D point clouds of objects from the
ShapeNet part-segmentation challenge [
23]. The colors of
the points represent the part labels.
analyzing, e.g., RGB-D videos which are sparsely popu-
lated 4D structures.
Traditional convolutional network implementations are
optimized for data that lives on densely populated grids,
and cannot process sparse data efficiently. More recently,
a number of convolutional network implementations have
been presented that are tailored to work efficiently on sparse
data [
3, 4, 18]. Mathematically, some of these imple-
mentations are identical to regular convolutional networks,
but they require fewer computational resources in terms of
FLOPs and/or memory [
3, 4]. Prior work uses a sparse ver-
sion of the im2col operation that restricts computation
and storage to “active” sites [4], or uses the voting algo-
rithm from [
22] to prune unnecessary multiplications by ze-
ros [
3]. OctNets [18] modify the convolution operator to
produce “averaged” hidden states in parts of the grid that
are outside the region of interest.
One of the downsides of prior sparse implementations of
convolutional networks is that they “dilate” the sparse data
in every layer by applying “full” convolutions. In this work,