"JAVA实现的书店信息管理系统设计与实现-数据库使用oracle 11g"
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The Design and Implementation of Book Store Information Management System is a project undertaken by student Jiang Bin under the guidance of advisor Luo Yong-hong. The main objective of this project is to design a comprehensive information management system for an online bookstore. The system allows customers to register and log in, as well as perform typical bookstore functions such as adding, deleting, modifying, and querying books, as well as purchasing them.
The program is designed to run on a Windows 7 platform, using JAVA as the programming language and connecting to an Oracle 11g database. Two problem-solving approaches, namely structured programming and object-oriented programming, were employed throughout the design process. Through debugging and testing, the program has successfully achieved its goals.
The core components of the system include the database, Oracle 11g, JAVA, and the bookstore information management system itself. The system is designed to streamline the process of managing and selling books online, providing a user-friendly interface for both customers and administrators. With features such as easy book search and purchase options, the system aims to enhance the overall shopping experience for users.
Overall, the implementation of the Book Store Information Management System demonstrates a successful integration of software development principles and database management techniques. The project showcases the student's proficiency in JAVA programming and database connectivity, as well as the ability to design and implement a functional and user-friendly system for online bookstores.
2022-12-17 上传
2022-11-24 上传
2022-12-17 上传
2022-12-17 上传
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