精通Android Material Design:打造精美界面

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"Learning Material Design" 是一本关于Android Material Design开发的学习资料,旨在帮助读者掌握Material Design,并能创建美观、动态的移动和网页应用界面。 Android Material Design是Google推出的一种设计语言,它强调了深度、动画和响应式交互,旨在提供一致、直观且富有表现力的用户体验。这一设计系统广泛应用于Android应用开发,同时也支持跨平台的设计,包括Web和iOS等。 本书由Kyle Mew编写,他可能是UI/UX设计领域的专家,通过这本书,读者可以学习到以下关键知识点: 1. **Material Design基础**:了解Material Design的核心原则,如色彩系统、类型层次、布局网格、触觉反馈和动效等。理解这些基本元素如何协同工作以创建一致的视觉效果和用户体验。 2. **组件和控件**:学习使用Button、TextInput、CardView、Snackbar、Dialogs等Material Design组件。理解如何在应用中正确使用这些元素以实现功能性和美观性的平衡。 3. **动画和过渡**:Material Design强调动画的使用,它们不仅仅是视觉装饰,也是增强用户理解和引导用户行为的关键。学习如何创建和集成各种动效,如触摸反馈、页面过渡和状态变化动画。 4. **响应式设计**:了解如何根据不同的屏幕尺寸和设备方向进行设计,以确保应用在各种设备上都能提供良好的用户体验。 5. **自定义组件**:学习如何根据项目需求定制Material Design组件,以及如何扩展和创建自己的Material Design组件。 6. **Material Design库和工具**:熟悉Android Support Library(现为AndroidX)中的Material Components,以及如何利用这些库简化开发流程。同时,了解使用设计工具,如Sketch、Adobe XD或Android Studio内置的设计工具进行Material Design设计。 7. **实例项目**:书中可能包含实际项目案例,让读者通过实践来加深对Material Design的理解,将理论知识应用到真实世界的开发场景中。 8. **最佳实践和设计指南**:学习业界最佳实践,理解如何遵循Google的Material Design指南来提升应用的整体质量。 9. **适配与兼容性**:探讨如何在不同版本的Android系统上实现Material Design的兼容性,以及如何为旧版本的Android设备优化设计。 10. **持续更新与演进**:Material Design是一个不断演进的设计系统,书中可能涵盖最新的Material Design更新,如Material Design 2.0(又称Material Design Lite)的特性。 通过阅读《Learning Material Design》,开发者不仅可以提升其Android应用的视觉吸引力,还能深入理解如何利用Material Design提升用户体验,从而创建出更具吸引力和用户友好性的应用。
2016-05-19 上传
Welcome to Learning Material Design, a comprehensive guide to the latest and hottest design philosophy for mobile and web applications. More than just a design language, Material Design represents a powerful shift in how modern digital interfaces look and behave. Based largely on traditional design principles, Material Design brings a tactile look and feel to apps and pages, giving screen elements physical properties such as uid, realistic motion and the ability to depict a third dimension using shadows. Covering all major design principles and guidelines and including enough of the technologies and code required to implement them, the book is designed so that you can get started with building your own material interfaces from the very beginning. All the commonly used material components, such as cards and sliding drawers, are covered in terms of both design guidelines and code structures. This element-speci c approach is coupled with details on how Material Design can be applied to interfaces in general, and how to use these guidelines to create material transitions and navigation processes. Although concentrating largely on mobile interface design and using the powerful Android Studio development environment, the latter part of the book focuses on how the principles learned earlier can be just as easily applied to designs of web and desktop interfaces with a number of helpful and simple-to-use CSS frameworks, particularly Materialize and Material Design Lite. This book is only the beginning of a journey into what may well become one of the most persistent digital design paradigms we have yet seen. But by the end, you will have learned not only the design theory behind materials, but also enough of technical know-how to put what you have learned into practice and be in a position to create or convert Material Design applications on your own. What this book covers Chapter 1, Getting Started with Material Design, introduces some of the basic precepts of Material Design, but concentrates largely on how to set up a development environment and create a simple "Hello World" app. This includes an introduction to the material theme and palette. Chapter 2, Building a Mobile Layout, is where we concentrate on some fundamental processes in designing an Android interface, such as the content hierarchy and how components are positioned and scaled within it. The second portion of this chapter covers support libraries and how these can help us make Material Design backward compatible. Chapter 3, Common Components, covers the most frequently used mobile material components, such as app bars, menus, and modal dialogs, along with the creation of action icons for menus. Chapter 4, Sliding Drawers and Navigation, explains the typical material navigation techniques, in particular, the navigation menu and sliding drawers. Chapter 5, Lists, Cards, and Data, is where we see how the recycler view can be used to organize data in the form of a list, and how separate elds of mixed media can be applied to the card view widget. Chapter 6, Animations and Transitions, covers transition from one screen to another, including hide and reveal animations and how components that are shared across screens are animated. Chapter 7, Material on Other Devices, is where we look at how Material Design is applied to the Android TV and Wear platforms. Chapter 8, Material Web Frameworks, takes us on a brief tour of one of the most commonly used technologies for applying Material Design to web pages. This is done using ready-made CSS and JavaScript frameworks. Chapter 9, The Materialize Framework, delves deeper into the Materialize web frameworks, demonstrating how common components, animations, and navigation are achieved. Chapter 10, Material Design Lite, is the nal chapter. It covers the most popular material framework—Material Design Lite. As in the previous chapter, we explore the most commonly used components and features.