第 2 1 卷第3 期
2014 年 6 月
Chinese Journal of Engineering Design
Vol. 21 No. 3
Jun. 2014
D O I : 1 0 . 3785/j. issn. 10 0 6 - 7 54X. 2014. 03. 008
苏永雷王艾伦h 2 ,李雪 鹏2 ,高思霄2 ,张营营2
摘 要 :组合转子作为燃气轮机的核心部件,其性能退化将对整个燃气轮机的性能产生重大影响,揭示组合转子性
松弛导致组合转子固有频率漂移,组合转子前3 阶固有频率的降低率相差很小,并在一定范围内与退化量呈线性
关键词 :拉杆松弛;且合转子;退化量;接触刚度;固有频率
中图分类号:T K 261 ; T H 113. 1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-754X(2014)03-0245-06
Effect of rod relaxation upon performance degradation of
combined rotor for gas turbine
S U Yong-lei1,2 ,W A N G Ai-lun1,2 ,VI X ue -p en g2 ,G A O Si-xiao2 ,Z H A N G Y m g - y m g 2
(1. State Ke y Laboratory of High Performance and Co mplex Manufacturing,
Centra- South University,Changsha 410083,China;
2. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Centra- South University,Changsha 4 10083,China)
Abstract : C o m b i n e d rotor is the vital part of a gas turbine. It is import a n t to reveal the p e r f o r m
anc e de gra dation m e c h a n i s m a n d assess the p er f o rm a n ce d egradation characteristics of the c o m
bined rotor for m a k i n g m a i nt e na n c e d urin g operation. T o r e v e a l the p e rf o r ma n c e degradation
m e c h a n i s m cause d b y structure d e g r a d a t i o n ,the c ha n g e rule of pretension force u n d er time-histo-
ry w a s o btained w i th consideration of the r o d stress relaxation at hig h temperature. B y defining
the degradation degree of c o m b i n e d rotor w ith the pretension force of r o d ,degradation level of
c o m b i n e d rotor s y s t e m w a s evaluated. Aft e r calculating the contact stiffness of adjacent disks in
terface a n d analyzing the d y n a m i c characteristics of c o m b i n e d rotor considering contact interface,
the effect of differ ent degr adat ion level o n d y n a m i c characteristics of c o m b i n e d r o t o r w a s o b
tained. T h e result s h o w e d tht t e m p e r a t u r e w a s a sensitive p a r amet e r for c o m b i n e d rotor d e g ra d a
tion ,the drift of c o m b i n e d rotor natural freq uenc y w a s cau s e d b y the relaxation of r o d ,a n d the
relative reduction of the first three order natural fr equ e ncy for c o m b i n e d rotor differed quite
s m a l l ,w h i c h h a d a linear relationship wit h degradation degree to s o m e extent.
Key words: r od relaxation; c o m b i n e d rot o r; degradation d e g r e e ; contact stiffness; natural fre
q u e n c y
收稿日期 :2013-09-05. 本刊网址• 在线期刊:http://w w w . journals, zju. edu. cn/gcsjxb
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(9 7 3 计划)重点资助项目(013CB035706).
作者简介:苏永雷(1989— ) ,河南驻马店人,硕士生,从事机械结构动力学研究,E-mail :yongleisu@ 163. com.
通信联系人:王艾伦,教授,博士生导师,E-mail: walwlz@sohu. com.