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The document "Hydraulic System Design of Flat Grinder.pdf" provides detailed information on the design process of the hydraulic system for a flat grinder. The paper outlines the calculation of the main parameters for the hydraulic cylinder, the selection of hydraulic pump and components, and the development of the hydraulic system diagram.
The hydraulic system utilizes a vane pump for oil supply and flow control for return oil. This design ensures efficient energy utilization and reliable operation, making it suitable for the high clamping force required during grinding operations. The use of hydraulic cylinders as the main executing components results in excellent working performance.
The design also includes a circuit design for the hydraulic system and a brief design for integrated blocks and layout. Throughout the design process, efforts were made to ensure a compact structure and rational layout.
Key words: hydraulic system, flat grinder, design.
In conclusion, the hydraulic system design for the flat grinder outlined in this document demonstrates a systematic approach to selecting components and developing a reliable and efficient system. The use of hydraulic power provides the necessary clamping force and excellent working performance for grinding operations. The design considerations for energy efficiency and safety ensure a robust and dependable system for the intended application. The integrated block design and layout optimization further enhance the overall design, resulting in a compact and well-organized hydraulic system for the flat grinder.
109 浏览量
267 浏览量
2021-08-08 上传
179 浏览量
2021-06-26 上传
2021-10-12 上传

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