
需积分: 0 0 下载量 129 浏览量 更新于2024-03-12 收藏 2.08MB DOCX 举报
he process of learning English, the use of dictionaries is also very common. However, traditional English-Chinese dictionaries are mostly paper-based, inconvenient to carry, and cannot be carried with them. Therefore, the use of network-based dictionary design can better allow users to view relevant content through web pages at any time and improve the convenience of learning. This time, through the use of Python technology to develop an English-Chinese electronic dictionary, we use computer programming technology to create a network-based English-Chinese electronic dictionary, which can achieve English word query and translation on the browser side. This development can improve the convenience of daily dictionary queries, thereby helping more people improve their learning ability and speed up the search for English-Chinese words. Key words: English-Chinese dictionary; Python; MySQL.
2023-06-11 上传