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The performance parameters of powertrain mount system design directly affects the vehicle's harshness (NVH) index, which is a key technology in vehicle development. This thesis focuses on the analysis and optimization of the isolation performance of the powertrain mount system on a domestic bus. By establishing a multi-body dynamics simulation model of the mount system and using the Lagrange method to establish a mathematical model for validation, the correctness of the multi-body dynamics model is verified. Based on this, the stiffness of the mount system is optimized using the Pareto genetic algorithm and the ISIGHT multi-objective optimization method, and the optimization results are compared and analyzed. The study indicates that the optimization decoupling rate of the Pareto genetic algorithm is higher, and its optimization effect is more significant.
Furthermore, the optimized mount system can effectively improve the decoupling rate, thereby improving the vehicle's noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) performance. Therefore, the performance parameters design of the powertrain mount system has a direct impact on the NVH performance index of the entire vehicle, making this research of theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords: powertrain mount system, inherent characteristics, energy decoupling rate, optimization
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