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"该资源提供了一系列C++实现的数据结构算法,包括顺序表、单链表、双向链表、循环链表、顺序栈、链式栈、顺序队列、链式队列、优先级队列、串、二叉树、线索二叉树、堆、哈夫曼树、树、B+树以及图的算法模板。每个数据结构都有对应的头文件(如.h)和测试文件(.cpp),便于理解和实践操作。" 以下是详细的知识点说明: 1. **顺序表**:顺序表是一种最基础的数据结构,它在内存中连续存储元素,通过数组实现。提供了插入、删除和查找等基本操作。 2. **单链表**:单链表中的每个节点包含元素和指向下一个节点的指针,用于动态存储线性数据。 3. **双向链表**:双向链表不仅有指向下一个节点的指针,还有指向前一个节点的指针,允许更灵活的前后移动。 4. **循环链表**:循环链表的最后一个节点指向第一个节点,形成一个循环结构,方便遍历。 5. **顺序栈**:基于数组实现的栈,遵循后进先出(LIFO)原则,支持压栈和弹栈操作。 6. **链式栈**:基于链表实现的栈,同样遵循LIFO原则,但提供了更灵活的内存管理。 7. **顺序队列**:基于数组实现的队列,遵循先进先出(FIFO)原则,支持入队和出队操作。 8. **链式队列**:基于链表实现的队列,FIFO原则,解决了顺序队列的动态扩容问题。 9. **优先级队列**:一种特殊的队列,每次出队的是优先级最高的元素,通常用堆来实现。 10. **串**:串是字符的有限序列,可以实现字符串的各种操作,如拼接、查找、替换等。 11. **二叉树**:每个节点最多有两个子节点的树形结构,包括二叉搜索树、完全二叉树等。 12. **线索二叉树**:在二叉树的基础上增加线索,用于快速找到前驱和后继节点,方便遍历。 13. **堆**:堆是一种特殊树形数据结构,每个父节点的值都大于或等于其子节点的值(最小堆)或小于或等于其子节点的值(最大堆)。 14. **哈夫曼树**:用于哈夫曼编码的二叉树,通过构建最小带权路径长度的树,优化数据的存储和传输效率。 15. **树**:一般树形结构,每个节点可以有任意数量的子节点,如AVL树、红黑树等。 16. **B+树**:B+树是一种自平衡的多路搜索树,常用于数据库索引,能高效处理大量数据的查找、插入和删除操作。 17. **图**:由顶点和边组成的非线性数据结构,支持邻接矩阵和邻接表等多种表示方法,用于表示复杂的关系网络。 18. **排序**:包括各种排序算法,如冒泡排序、选择排序、插入排序、快速排序、归并排序、堆排序等,用于将数据按特定顺序排列。 这些C++模板涵盖了数据结构的基础到高级应用,对于学习和理解数据结构及其算法实现具有很高的参考价值。通过阅读和实践这些代码,可以深入理解数据结构的工作原理,并提升编程能力。
2018-09-02 上传
matrix.h: Simple matrix class dsexceptions.h: Simple exception classes Fig01_02.cpp: A simple recursive routine with a test program Fig01_03.cpp: An example of infinite recursion Fig01_04.cpp: Recursive routine to print numbers, with a test program Fig01_05.cpp: Simplest IntCell class, with a test program Fig01_06.cpp: IntCell class with a few extras, with a test program IntCell.h: IntCell class interface (Fig 1.7) IntCell.cpp: IntCell class implementation (Fig 1.8) TestIntCell.cpp: IntCell test program (Fig 1.9) (need to compile IntCell.cpp also) Fig01_10.cpp: Illustration of using the vector class Fig01_11.cpp: Dynamically allocating an IntCell object (lame) BuggyIntCell.cpp: Buggy IntCell class implementation (Figs 1.16 and 1.17) Fig01_18.cpp: IntCell class with pointers and Big Five FindMax.cpp: Function template FindMax (Figs 1.19 and 1.20) Fig01_21.cpp: MemoryCell class template without separation Fig01_25.cpp: Using function objects: Case insensitive string comparison LambdaExample.cpp: (Not in the book): rewriting Fig 1.25 with lambdas MaxSumTest.cpp: Various maximum subsequence sum algorithms Fig02_09.cpp: Test program for binary search Fig02_10.cpp: Euclid's algorithm, with a test program Fig02_11.cpp: Recursive exponentiation algorithm, with a test program RemoveEveryOtherItem.cpp: Remove every other item in a collection Vector.h: Vector class List.h: List class BinarySearchTree.h: Binary search tree TestBinarySearchTree.cpp: Test program for binary search tree AvlTree.h: AVL tree TestAvlTree.cpp: Test program for AVL trees mapDemo.cpp: Map demos WordLadder.cpp: Word Ladder Program and Word Changing Utilities SeparateChaining.h: Header file for separate chaining SeparateChaining.cpp: Implementation for separate chaining TestSeparateChaining.cpp: Test program for separate chaining hash tables (need to compile SeparateChaining.cpp also) QuadraticProbing.h: Header file for quadratic probing hash table QuadraticProbing.cpp: Implementation for quadratic probing hash table TestQuadraticProbing.cpp: Test program for quadratic probing hash tables (need to compile QuadraticProbing.cpp also) CuckooHashTable.h: Header file for cuckoo hash table CuckooHashTable.cpp: Implementation for cuckoo hash table TestCuckooHashTable.cpp: Test program for cuckoo hash tables (need to compile CuckooHashTable.cpp also) CaseInsensitiveHashTable.cpp: Case insensitive hash table from STL (Figure 5.23) BinaryHeap.h: Binary heap TestBinaryHeap.cpp: Test program for binary heaps LeftistHeap.h: Leftist heap TestLeftistHeap.cpp: Test program for leftist heaps BinomialQueue.h: Binomial queue TestBinomialQueue.cpp: Test program for binomial queues TestPQ.cpp: Priority Queue Demo Sort.h: A collection of sorting and selection routines TestSort.cpp: Test program for sorting and selection routines RadixSort.cpp: Radix sorts DisjSets.h: Header file for disjoint sets algorithms DisjSets.cpp: Efficient implementation of disjoint sets algorithm TestFastDisjSets.cpp: Test program for disjoint sets algorithm WordLadder.cpp: Word Ladder Program and Word Changing Utilities Fig10_38.cpp: Simple matrix multiplication algorithm with a test program Fig10_40.cpp: Algorithms to compute Fibonacci numbers Fig10_43.cpp: Inefficient recursive algorithm (see text) Fig10_45.cpp: Better algorithm to replace fig10_43.c (see text) Fig10_46.cpp: Dynamic programming algorithm for optimal chain matrix multiplication, with a test program Fig10_53.cpp: All-pairs algorithm, with a test program Random.h: Header file for random number class Random.cpp: Implementation for random number class TestRandom.cpp: Test program for random number class UniformRandom.h: Random number class using standard library Fig10_63.cpp: Randomized primality testing algorithm, with a test program SplayTree.h: Top-down splay tree TestSplayTree.cpp: Test program for splay trees RedBlackTree.h: Top-down red black tree TestRedBlackTree.cpp: Test program for red black trees Treap.h: Treap TestTreap.cpp: Test program for treap SuffixArray.cpp: Suffix array KdTree.cpp: Implementation and test program for k-d trees PairingHeap.h: Pairing heap TestPairingHeap.cpp: Test program for pairing heaps MemoryCell.h: MemoryCell class interface (Appendix) MemoryCell.cpp: MemoryCell class implementation (Appendix) MemoryCellExpand.cpp: MemoryCell instantiation file (Appendix) TestMemoryCell.cpp: MemoryCell test program (Appendix)