"小冰块危险冒险:游戏使用说明及源码编译 | 实验报告1"
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"Experiment report 1 describes a game where a small ice block finds itself in a dangerous situation and the player must maneuver the ice block to avoid obstacles and earn higher scores. Upon opening the game, the main interface allows the player to choose from options such as Help, Start Game, and About using the keyboard. The Help section provides detailed instructions on how to play, while the About section displays information about the author. It is important to note that an English input method should be used.
Once in the game, the player can use either the mouse or keyboard for control. The WSAD keys are used to move the ice block up, down, left, and right, or the player can set a destination for the ice block by right-clicking the mouse, causing the ice block to move along a straight line to that point. Holding down the right mouse button will make the ice block follow the cursor. The ice block has 3 life points, and when it reaches 0, the ice block dies and the game reaches the settlement screen. The score increases with the time survived. As the score increases, the difficulty also increases, with fireballs becoming more accurate. If the ice block encounters a fireball, it loses 1 life point. When the ice block encounters a spurting lava pool, it loses 1 life point; the lava pool does not harm the ice block when it is dim. Encountering a blue heart replenishes 1 life point. If the ice block leaves the screen, it enters the Easter egg screen, where leaving the screen again returns the player to the game.
The source code is compiled using MinGW, with g version as g (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by. . .".
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