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In the field of EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety), a wide range of specialized English vocabulary is used to ensure the safety and protection of individuals and the environment. Safety regulations, such as safety margins and safe gaps, are put in place to prevent accidents and protect workers from harm. Safety monitoring and supervision help to ensure that these regulations are followed, while safety check assessments and safety appraisals help to evaluate the effectiveness of safety measures.
Safety economics and safety cost effectiveness play a crucial role in determining the financial benefits of implementing safety measures in the workplace. Safety reliability is also important to ensure that equipment and systems are functioning correctly and will not fail in a dangerous situation. Safety simulation and safety engineering help to predict and prevent potential hazards before they occur.
Overall, the use of specialized EHS vocabulary is essential in creating a safe and secure work environment for all individuals involved. By understanding and implementing these concepts, organizations can effectively mitigate risks and protect the well-being of their employees and the surrounding environment.
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