
需积分: 5 3 下载量 81 浏览量 更新于2023-12-27 收藏 4.17MB PDF 举报
The in-depth training material on the BLE protocol provides a comprehensive overview of the technology with detailed graphics and text. One important aspect of the protocol is the process of a scanner device becoming an "initiator" after scanning a connectable advertisement message. This occurs when the scanner device sends a "connection request" packet to the advertiser, establishing a connection between the two devices. The training material includes a detailed agenda, starting with an introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy and the protocol stack. The stack architecture and overview are discussed in detail, followed by an in-depth look at the basics of BLE communication at the Link Layer. The training material also covers the Generic Access Profile (GAP), providing information on roles, device discovery, connections, and security. Additionally, the Attribute Protocol (ATT) is discussed, including the attribute table, and reading and writing data. The training material also includes a section on the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT), covering profiles, services, and characteristics. The material also includes an industry and technology update, providing the latest information on BLE technology. One example of a device that utilizes the BLE protocol is the CC2540 BL. Overall, the BLE protocol training material provides a comprehensive and in-depth look at the technology, including detailed graphics and text to aid in understanding the various aspects of the protocol. From the basics of BLE communication to the roles, device discovery, connections, security, and attribute protocols, the material covers a wide range of topics. Additionally, the training material includes an update on the industry and technology related to BLE, ensuring that learners are equipped with the latest information in the field.