MELSEC iQ-R MODBUS_TCP参考手册:安全用途及注意事项
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MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi MELSEC iQ-R MODBUS_TCP Reference Manual.pdf; MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi MELSEC iQ-R MODBUS_TCP Reference Manual.pdf; MELSEC iQ-R MODBUS/TCP Reference Manual Safety Precautions (Please read before use) Before using the MELSEC iQ-R series programmable controller, carefully read the manuals for each product and the related manuals described in each product's manual, and operate it correctly while fully paying attention to safety. Please keep this manual properly for reference when needed, and hand it over to the end user. Regarding the application of the product (1) When using Mitsubishi programmable controllers, the following conditions should be met: even if there is a problem or failure with the programmable controller device, it will not cause a major accident, and backup equipment and fail-safe functions that can handle any issues or failures should be provided in the external system. (2) Mitsubishi programmable controllers are designed and manufactured for general industrial purposes. Therefore, Mitsubishi programmable controllers should not be used for special purposes such as the following devices/systems. If used for the following special purposes, Mitsubishi Electric will not be responsible for all related responsibilities (including but not limited to non-performance liability, defect warranty liability, quality assurance liability, illegal act liability, product liability). ・Nuclear power plants of various electric power companies and other power plants that have a significant impact on the public. ・Used for special quality assurance system requirements for various railway companies or public facilities. ・Applications such as aerospace, medical, railways, incineration/fuel facilities, passenger moving equipment, passenger transportation equipment, entertainment equipment, etc. are not suitable.
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