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In the 2018 English Test (Part 2), the questions focused on various aspects of language proficiency, such as phrasal verb combinations, fixed expressions, verb-object pairings, and time adverbials. One question tested the knowledge of phrasal verbs and their collocations, while another question assessed familiarity with fixed expressions. Understanding verb-object pairings was also crucial in another question. In addition, a question on time adverbials required careful attention to detail in order to select the correct answer.
The text provided in Section I of the test discussed the phenomenon of individuals engaging in activities that are known to be negative or painful. The study highlighted in the text suggested that humans have an innate desire to seek out uncertainty and the need to satisfy curiosity, even at the cost of experiencing discomfort. This indicates that people are willing to endure negative experiences in order to satisfy their curiosity and desire for knowledge.
Overall, the 2018 English Test (Part 2) required a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of language use and comprehension. It tested not only vocabulary and grammar but also the ability to interpret and analyze written texts. By carefully considering the context and nuances of the questions, test-takers were able to demonstrate their proficiency in English.
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