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"Packt.Python.Journey.from.Novice.to.Expert.2016" 本书是一本旨在帮助初学者到专家级别的Python编程教程。它涵盖了Python的基础、面向对象编程和高级特性,适合想要深入学习Python编程的读者。无论你是Windows、Mac还是Linux用户,都能快速上手Python。书中强调了Python语言的可移植性,让你可以在任何平台上表达编程思想。 在"Python: 从新手到专家"这本书中,你将学到以下关键知识点: 1. **基础编程概念**:了解编程的基本原理,包括变量、数据类型(如整型、浮点型、字符串、列表、元组、字典等)以及控制流(如条件语句、循环结构)。 2. **数据结构和控制流**:掌握如何有效地使用Python内置数据结构,并理解何时使用函数式编程或面向对象编程。 3. **面向对象编程**:学习如何使用Python实现面向对象编程,包括类的创建、数据封装、继承、多态和抽象。此外,还将介绍如何在Kivy和Django等关键Python技术中应用这些概念。 4. **继承和扩展类功能**:了解如何通过继承来扩展已有类的功能,提高代码复用性和模块化。 5. **功能性编程**:学习如何利用Python的函数式编程范式,理解何时使用map、filter、reduce等函数,以及lambda表达式。 6. **并发与多进程**:掌握Python的multiprocessing库,不仅能在本地使用,还能跨多台机器进行分布式计算。 7. **环境管理与项目隔离**:学习使用venv创建项目特定的Python环境,确保开发环境的整洁和独立。 8. **测试、性能分析和异常处理**:学习编写测试用例,进行代码性能分析,以及正确处理程序中的异常,提升代码质量。 9. **高级语法和陷阱**:了解Python中的高级语法特性,如装饰器和迭代器,同时避免常见的编程陷阱。 本书采用理论结合实践的方法,每个模块都包含丰富的实例和练习,帮助读者逐步建立Python编程技能。通过这三部分的学习,你将能够从零基础开始,逐渐成长为一名精通Python编程的专家,编写出高质量的Python程序。 课程目录涵盖多个章节,从基础的介绍和初步操作,到复杂的面向对象编程和高级特性,每一步都精心设计,旨在提供一个平滑的学习路径。
2016-07-27 上传
Learn the principles behind object-oriented programming and within a few chapters create a fully functional Ruby application. You'll also gain a basic understanding of many ancillary technologies such as databases, XML, web frameworks, and networking - some of which are needed as part of a fully functioning Ruby application. Based on the bestselling first and second editions, Beginning Ruby, Third Edition is a leading guide to learn Ruby from the ground up. The new edition of this book provides the same excellent introduction to Ruby as the previous editions plus updates for the newest version of Ruby 2.3. This book can also be used as a textbook or companion to a textbook on beginning Ruby programming. The light and agile Ruby programming language remains a very popular open source scripting option for developers building today's web and even some enterprise applications. And, now, Ruby also has applications using the Raspberry Pi, popular among hobbyists and makers. Many former Java developers still use Ruby on Rails today, the most popular framework for building Ruby applications. What You'll Learn What are the fundamentals of Ruby and its object-oriented building blocks How to work with Ruby libraries, gems, and documentation How to work with files and databases How to write and deploy Ruby applications What are the various Ruby web frameworks and how to use them How to do network programming with Ruby and more Who This Book Is For This book is for beginning programmers, programmers new to Ruby, and web developers interested in learning and knowing the foundations of the Ruby programming language. Table of Contents Part 1: Foundations and Scaffolding Chapter 1: Let’s Get It Started: Installing Ruby Chapter 2: Programming == Joy: A Whistle-Stop Tour of Ruby and Object Orientation Chapter 3: Ruby’s Building Blocks: Data, Expressions, and Flow Control Chapter 4: Developing Your First Ruby Application Chapter 5: The Ruby Ecosystem Part 2: The Core of Ruby Chapter 6: Classes, Objects, and Modules Chapter 7: Projects and Libraries Chapter 8: Documentation, Error Handling, Debugging, and Testing Chapter 9: Files and Databases Chapter 10: Distributing Ruby Code and Libraries Chapter 11: Advanced Ruby Features Chapter 12: Tying It Together: Developing a Larger Ruby Application Part 3: Ruby Online Chapter 13: Two Web Application Approaches: Rails and Sinatra Chapter 14: Ruby and the Internet Chapter 15: Networking and Sockets Chapter 16: Useful Ruby Libraries Appendix A: Ruby Primer and Review for Developers Appendix B: Useful Resources