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Based on the given information, the document titled "Design of Digital Temperature Gauge Based on MCU" discusses the design of a temperature measuring and alarm circuit using the AT89S52 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor. The circuit features a temperature measurement range of -55°C to 125°C and utilizes a 4-digit LED module for displaying the temperature. The temperature alarm upper and lower limits can be set using a keypad.
The main body of the document focuses on describing the various circuit components of the hardware and software systems. It explains the principles of the integrated temperature sensor DS18B20 and the functionalities and usage of the AT89S52 microcontroller. The design of the circuit is innovative, powerful, and structurally simple.
In summary, the document presents a detailed overview of the design and implementation of a digital temperature gauge based on a microcontroller. It introduces the key components, provides explanations of their functionalities, and highlights the uniqueness and advantages of the circuit design. The digital temperature gauge offers accurate temperature measurement and customizable temperature alarm settings, making it a valuable tool in various applications.
Keywords: temperature measurement, DS18B20, AT89S52, microcontroller, digital temperature gauge design.
2023-02-27 上传
281 浏览量
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