ISO/DIS 19128
© ISO 2004 — All rights reserved 7
6.4 General HTTP response rules
Upon receiving a valid request, the service shall send a response corresponding exactly to the request as
detailed in Clause 7 of this International Standard, or send a service exception if unable to respond correctly.
Only in the case of Version Negotiation (6.2.3) may the server offer a differing result. Upon receiving an
invalid request, the service shall issue a service exception as described in 6.11.
A server may send an HTTP Redirect message (using HTTP response codes as defined in IETF RFC 2616)
to an absolute URL that is different from the valid request URL that was sent by the client. HTTP Redirect
causes the client to issue a new HTTP request for the new URL. Several redirects could in theory occur.
Practically speaking, the redirect sequence ends when the server responds with a WMS response. The final
response shall be a WMS response that corresponds exactly to the original request (or a service exception).
Response objects shall be accompanied by the appropriate Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
type (
IETF RFC 2045) for that object. A list of MIME types in common use on the internet is maintained by the
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) [2]. Allowable types for operation responses and service
exceptions are discussed below. The basic structure of a MIME type is a string of the form "type/subtype".
MIME allows additional parameters in a string of the form "type/subtype; param1=value1; param2=value2". A
server may include parameterized MIME types in its list of supported output formats. In addition to any
parameterized variants, the server should offer the basic unparameterized version of the format.
Response objects should be accompanied by other HTTP entity headers as appropriate and to the extent
possible. In particular, the Expires and Last-Modified headers provide important information for caching;
Content-Length may be used by clients to know when data transmission is complete and to efficiently allocate
space for results, and Content-Encoding or Content-Transfer-Encoding may be necessary for proper
interpretation of the results.
6.5 Numeric and Boolean values
Integer numbers shall be represented in a manner consistent with the specification for integers in XML
Schema Datatypes ([8], section 3.3.13). This International Standard shall explicitly indicate where an integer
value is mandatory.
Real numbers shall be represented in a manner consistent with the specification for double-precision numbers
in XML Schema Datatypes ([8], section 3.2.5). This representation allows for integer, decimal and exponential
notations. A real value is allowed in all numeric fields defined by this International Standard unless the value
is explicitly restricted to integer.
Positive, negative and zero values are allowed unless explicitly restricted.
Boolean values shall be represented in a manner consistent with the specification for boolean in XML Schema
Datatypes ([8], section 3.2.2). The values '0' and 'false' are equivalent. The values '1' and 'true' are
equivalent. Absence of an optional value is equivalent to logical false. This International Standard shall
explicitly indicate where a Boolean value is mandatory.
6.6 Output formats
The response to a Web Map Service request is always a computer file that is transferred over the internet
from the server to the client. The file may contain text, or the file may represent a map image. As stated in
6.4, the type of the returned file shall be indicated by a MIME type string.
Text output formats are usually formatted as Extensible Markup Language (XML; MIME type text/xml). Text
formats are used to convey service metadata, descriptions of error conditions, or responses to queries for
information about features shown on a map.
Allowed map formats are either "picture" formats or "graphic element" formats. Picture formats constitute a
rectangular pixel array of fixed size. Picture formats include file types such as Graphics Interchange Format