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The report "Boost Circuit Simulation Analysis Based on Matlab [Compilation].pdf" aims to analyze the experiment of simulating a boost circuit using Matlab. The experiment focuses on learning the basic knowledge and operations of Matlab, as well as observing the changes in voltage and current by altering the duty cycle and component parameters. The experiment platform utilized is Simulink and SimPowerSystems, and the theoretical framework is based on the assumption that the values of the inductor L and capacitor C in the circuit are large. When the IGBT is in the on-state, the power source charges the inductor L with a constant charging current I1, while the voltage on the capacitor C supplies the load R. Due to the large value of C, the output voltage u0 is maintained relatively constant. The energy accumulated on the inductor L during the on-state is EI1ton, and the energy released by L during the off-state is (U0 - E)I1toff. In the steady state, the energy accumulated and released on L within one period T are equalized, simplifying to U0 = T*E/toff. The report outlines the experimental process and includes a study on the circuit, with diagrams showing the output voltage being higher than the source voltage. Overall, the report provides a detailed analysis and simulation of the boost circuit experiment, offering insights into the practical application of Matlab in circuit analysis and design.
2022-03-07 上传
2021-10-30 上传
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