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Based on the document "Thesis of Bachelor - The System of Examination Online Base on Web," this paper focuses on the design and development of an online examination system utilizing web and database technologies. The system is designed to be user-friendly, efficient, and effective, and while it currently only supports the objective portion of examinations, it has the capabilities for question and exam management, manual and automatic exam generation, manual and automatic grading, and online exam administration. In essence, it enables paperless examinations, allowing authorized candidates to take exams anytime, anywhere and quickly receive their results, along with detailed score analysis and assessment. Additionally, the system significantly reduces the workload for teachers in terms of exam creation and grading. Key features of the system include a question bank, online exam administration, and paperless examinations. The system has been developed using the client-server model and is implemented using web-based technologies such as ASP. Overall, it provides a comprehensive and efficient solution for conducting exams online.
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