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This paper systematically elaborates on the design of a remote control system based on 3G network technology. It analyzes the principles and characteristics of 3G data transmission, studies the structure of data transmission protocols, and designs a technical solution for remote data transmission using 3G network. The system consists of a data center, 3G network, and data acquisition terminal which are interconnected through the Internet and 3G network. The design focuses on the 3G modem and MSP430F149 microcontroller along with its peripheral circuits.
The system utilizes the existing China Mobile communication network, eliminating the need for building a new network and making it easy to maintain and add new users in the future, thus reducing costs significantly. This research can be applied in various fields such as water level monitoring systems, coal mine methane content monitoring, seawater pollution detection, remote meter reading, etc., demonstrating a wide range of applications.
Keywords: 3G; 3G wireless modem; MSP430F149; database.
2020-10-23 上传
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- 粉丝: 98
- 资源: 2万+
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