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PCAP Next Generation (pcapng) is a flexible and extensible file format for capturing network packet data. This format allows for better organization and management of captured packets, making it easier for tools like Wireshark to read and interpret the data. The pcapng format is currently supported by Wireshark for both reading and writing, while libpcap can also read some pcapng files.
The discussion and development of the pcapng file format is ongoing within the OPSAWG working group, with updates and revisions being made before the format is officially published as an RFC. The source code and issue tracking for the pcapng format can be found on the project's GitHub page.
It is important to note that this Internet Draft complies with the guidelines set forth in BCP 78 and BCP 79, which are the rules governing Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) documents. Internet Drafts are working documents within the IETF, subject to change, update, or obsolescence within a six-month timeframe. They should not be referenced or cited as "work in progress" beyond their expiration date.
Overall, the pcapng file format represents an important evolution in the way network packet data is captured, stored, and analyzed. Its flexibility and compatibility with popular tools like Wireshark make it a valuable resource for network administrators, security professionals, and researchers working with packet data. The ongoing development and refinement of the format within the OPSAWG working group ensures that it continues to meet the needs of the network community in an ever-changing landscape of technology and security threats.
2021-05-12 上传
2022-01-14 上传
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