EFI技术探索:Beyond BIOS中文预览

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"Beyond BIOS 中文预览版,介绍EFI的基本构建。" 本文档是Beyond BIOS的中文预览版,主要关注的是EFI(Extensible Firmware Interface)的实现,EFI是一种现代计算机固件接口,替代了传统的BIOS系统,以提供更高效、更灵活的硬件初始化和操作系统加载环境。EFI由Intel公司开发,并在其框架下推广,旨在提高系统的性能和安全性。 EFI的基本构建包括以下几个关键组件: 1. **统一的固件接口**:EFI提供了一个标准化的接口,使得操作系统和其他固件组件能够更好地交互。这包括了一组称为“EFI服务”的函数,它们在EFI环境中运行,允许固件和操作系统之间的通信。 2. **EFI引导服务**:这些服务负责启动过程,从加载EFI引导程序开始,然后选择并加载操作系统。与BIOS不同,EFI支持图形用户界面和鼠标操作,使得引导过程更加直观。 3. **EFI驱动程序模型**:EFI驱动程序是动态加载的,可以根据需要加载到内存中。这使得系统更新驱动程序更为便捷,也提高了系统的可扩展性。 4. **EFI应用程序**:除了操作系统,EFI环境还支持执行其他类型的固件应用程序,这些应用程序可以在操作系统启动之前或之后运行,用于系统管理和维护。 5. **固件复杂事件定时器**:EFI提供了一个精确的、非易失性的定时器,可以用于各种系统级任务,如硬件检测和时钟同步。 6. **固件体积**:EFI固件通常存储在闪存设备中,允许更大的存储空间来包含更多的功能和服务。 文档作者包括Vincent Zimmer, Michael Rothman和Robert Hale,他们都是Intel Press的贡献者,该书详细阐述了如何使用Intel的EFI框架来实施EFI。此外,文档中还提及了一系列参与者的名称,可能是一些贡献者或者读者社区的成员。 EFI的引入解决了BIOS的一些局限性,比如限制了硬件的更新速度,不支持即插即用设备,以及无法处理复杂的引导流程等。EFI的出现使得固件更加现代化,为现代计算机系统提供了更好的基础。 Beyond BIOS中文预览版为读者提供了一个深入了解EFI的窗口,有助于开发者和系统管理员理解如何利用EFI来优化和管理他们的计算平台。通过学习EFI,专业人士可以更好地适应不断发展的硬件技术和操作系统需求。
2017-01-26 上传
This book provides an overview of modern boot firmware, including the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (Uefi) and its associated Efi Developer Kit Ii (Edkii) firmware. The authors have each made significant contributions to developments in these areas. The reader will learn to use the latest developments in Uefi on modern hardware, including open source firmware and open hardware designs. The book begins with an exploration of interfaces exposed to higher-level software and operating systems, and commences to the left of the boot timeline, describing the flow of typical systems, beginning with the machine restart event. Software engineers working with Uefi will benefit greatly from this book, while specific sections of the book address topics relevant for a general audience: system architects, pre-operating-system application developers, operating system vendors (loader, kernel), independent hardware vendors (such as for plug-in adapters), and developers of end-user applications. As a secondary audience, project technical leaders or managers may be interested in this book to get a feel for what their engineers are doing. The reader will find: * An overview of Uefi and underlying Platform Initialization (Pi) specifications * How to create Uefi applications and drivers * Workflow to design the firmware solution for a modern platform * Advanced usages of Uefi firmware for security and manageability Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 2 – Basic UEFI Architecture Chapter 3 – UEFI Driver Model Chapter 4 – Protocols You Should Know Chapter 5 – UEFI Runtime Chapter 6 – UEFI Console Services Chapter 7 – Different Types of Platforms Chapter 8 – DXE Basics: Core, Dispatching, and Drivers Chapter 9 – Some Common UEFI and PI Functions Chapter 10 – Platform Security and Trust Chapter 11 – Boot Device Selection Chapter 12 – Boot Flows Chapter 13 – Pre-EFI Initialization (PEI) Chapter 14 – Putting It All Together–Firmware Emulation Chapter 15 – Reducing Platfor