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"MATLAB3 - Shenzhen University - Scientific and Engineering Computing - Numerical Analysis - Courseware.ppt; MATLAB3 - Shenzhen University - Scientific and Engineering Computing - Numerical Analysis - Courseware.ppt; The third lecture MATLAB symbolic computation - MATLAB not only has numerical calculation functions, but also developed a toolbox Symbolic Math Toolbox to perform symbolic computing in the MATLAB environment. Symbolic computation functions include: - Creation of symbolic expressions and symbolic matrices. - Symbolic linear algebra. - Factorization, expansion, and simplification. - Symbolic algebraic equation solving. - Symbolic calculus. - Symbolic differential equations. I. Basic operations of symbolic computation - What is symbolic computation? - Difference from numerical computation: Symbolic computation does not require prior assignment of values to independent variables, and the results are expressed in standard symbolic form. - Characteristics: 1. The operands of computation can be symbolic variables without assigned values. 2. Arbitrary precision solutions can be obtained. The Symbolic Math Toolbox is a symbolic computation toolbox that implements symbolic computation by calling the Maple software. The main function of Maple software is symbolic computation, and it occupies a dominant position in symbolic software."
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