COL 9(10), 100401(2011) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS October 10, 2011
Theoretical optimization of the characteristics of ZnO
metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors
Ghania Harzallah
and Mohamed Remram
Lemeamed Laboratory, Department of Electronics, University of Mentouri Constantine, Algeria
Corresponding author: ghan
Received December 20, 2010; accepted March 15, 2011; posted online July 11, 2011
A two-dimensional model of a metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) ZnO-based photodetector (PD) is devel-
oped . The PD is based on a drift diffusion model of a semiconductor that allows the calculation of potential
distribution inside the structure, the transversal and longitudinal distributions of the electric field, and the
distribution of carrier concentration. The ohmicity of the contact has been confirmed. The dark current
of MSM PD based ZnO for different structural dimensions are likewise calculated. The calculations are
comparable with the experimental results. Therefore, the influence with resp ect to parameters s (finger
spacing) and w (finger width) is studied, which results in the optimization of these parameters. The best
optimization found to concur with the experimental results is s = 16 µm, w = 16 µm, l = 250 µm,
L = 350 µm, where l is the finger length and L is the length of the structure. This optimization provides
a simulated dark current eq ual to 24.5 nA at the polarization of 3 V.
OCIS codes: 040.5160, 250.0250, 160.6000.
doi: 10.3788/COL201109.100401.
Extremely complex, integrated photonic c ircuits are de-
veloped and industrially produced. This is in consid-
eration of the demand for low-cost high-bandwidth cir-
cuits, and the demand for knowledge control regard-
ing the manufacturing processes of semiconductor opto-
electronic components. The metal-semiconductor-metal
(MSM) photodetector (PD) is a good choice in the photo
detection field due to the simplicity of manufacture and
suitability for monolithic integration
. Indeed, the
planar structure of MSM PD results in an exception-
ally small capacity, which is highly desired for high-
bandwidth and low-noise performance
. Recently, gen-
eral manufacture of MSM PD used semiconductor ma-
terials with wide and direct gaps. The ZnO with direct
gap (3.3 eV) has attracted considerable interest becaus e
of its excellent electrical properties that allow wide appli-
cation in high temperatures and high pressures, as well
as in the fabrication of components needed to addres s
very high response time
. Furthermore, ZnO has high
sensitivity in ultra- violet detection, making it one of the
detectors popularly used for monitoring air quality and
gas detection, as well as in military applications
In recent ye ars, a significant number of studies have fo-
cused on the MSM PD based ZnO, using different met-
als for interdigitated contacts. Majority of these stud-
ies were experimental
, with only a few fo c using on
the theore tical aspect. The model construction is impor-
tant in understanding a certain number of physical phe-
nomena that may be difficult to achieve experimentally
because of the high cost and time requirement, par ticu-
larly those of advanced technologies. Controlling trans-
port phenomena in MSM PDs by modelling with nu-
merical methods is especially important in the present
case becaus e specific materials such as undoped ZnO are
used. O ther researchers have developed the subject using
simulators, such as COSMOL multiphysics
. In the
present work, a two-dimensional (2 D) theoretical mo del
of a MSM-PD-based ZnO is develope d, with aluminum
as the interdigitated metal contact. The dark current is a
point of interest because it provides important electrical
properties such as the direct reflection of PD sensitivity.
A number of different dimensions of the MSM structure
are used to calculate the current. The results are inter-
preted and discussed to provide an optimum geometry in
obtaining a minimum dark current. A comparison with
exp erimental results is performed.
The MSM PD consists of two interpenetrating metal
contacts in the form of an interdigitated comb; one is
forward biased and the other is reversed biased. The free
surface o f the semiconductor between the two contacts is
the active area for absorbing light for photocurrent gener-
ation. Command and control of the electric conduction
mechanism make it possible to minimize the dark cur-
rent. Thus, the conception of a proper design for MSM
PD which can detect even the lowest electrical p ower is
possible. The basic layout of the planar MSM PD for
simulation is given in Fig. 1.
The metal-semiconductor contacts can be ohmic o r
Schottky depending on the value of metal work function
and the value of the semiconductor affinity. Consider-
ing the geometrical symmetry of interdigitated electrodes
and facility of calculation, only a unit ce ll was considered,
in which the unit cell lateral boundaries are found in the
middle o f two adjacent electrodes (Fig. 2).
The proposed model is a 2D physical drift diffusion
model based on the Poisson equation, co ntinuity equa -
tions, and equa tions of currents. The expressions are
ψ = −q(p − n + N
), (1)
= qµ
nE + qD
, (2)
= qµ
pE − qD
, (3)
∇ · J
− R + G
, (4)
1671-7694/2011/100401(5) 100401-1
2011 Chinese Optics Letters