Sp ecial Section on Information-Based Induction Sciences and Machine Learning
A Short Introduction to Learning to Rank
Hang LI
, Nonmember
SUMMARY Learning to rank refers to machine learning
techniques for training the model in a ranking task. Learning
to rank is useful for many applications in Information Retrieval,
Natural Language Processing, and Data Mining. Intensive stud-
ies have been conducted on the problem and significant progress
has been made [1], [2]. This short paper gives an introduction
to learning to rank, and it specifically explains the fundamen-
tal problems, existing approaches, and future work of learning to
rank. Several learning to rank methods using SVM techniques
are described in details.
key words: Learning to rank, information retrieval, natural
language processing, SVM
1. Ranking Problem
Learning to rank can be employed in a wide variety
of applications in Information Retrieval (IR), Natural
Language Processing (NLP), and Data Mining (DM).
Typical applications are document retrieval, expert
search, definition search, collaborative filtering, ques-
tion answering, keyphrase extraction, document sum-
marization, and machine translation [2]. Without loss
of generality, we take document retrieval as example in
this article.
Document retrieval is a task as follows (Fig. 1).
The system maintains a collection of documents. Given
a query, the system retrieves documents containing the
query words from the collection, ranks the documents,
and returns the top ranked documents. The ranking
task is performed by using a ranking model f (q, d ) to
sort the documents, where q denotes a query and d
denotes a document.
Traditionally, the ranking model f(q, d) is created
without training. In the BM25 model, for example, it
is assumed that f(q, d) is represented by a conditional
probability distribution P (r|q, d) where r takes on 1 or
0 as value and denotes being relevant or irreverent, and
q and d denote a query and a document respectively. In
Language Model for IR (LMIR), f (q, d) is represented
as a conditional probability distribution P (q|d). The
probability models can be calculated with the words
appearing in the query and do cument, and thus no
training is needed (only tuning of a small number of
parameters is necessary) [3].
Manuscript received December 31, 2010.
Manuscript revised June 1, 2011.
The author is with Microsoft Research Asia
DOI: 10.1587/transinf.E94.D.1
ranking based on
ranking of documents
Fig. 1 Document Retrieval
A new trend has recently arisen in document re-
trieval, particularly in web search, that is, to employ
machine learning techniques to automatically construct
the ranking model f (q, d). This is motivated by a num-
ber of facts. At web search, there are many signals
which can represent relevance, for example, the anchor
texts and PageRank score of a web page. Incorporating
such information into the ranking model and automat-
ically constructing the ranking model using machine
learning techniques becomes a natural choice. In web
search engines, a large amount of search log data, such
as click through data, is accumulated. This makes it
possible to derive training data from search log data
and automatically create the ranking model. In fact,
learning to rank has become one of the key technolo-
gies for modern web search.
We describe a number of issues in learning for rank-
ing, including training and testing, data labeling, fea-
ture construction, evaluation, and relations with ordi-
nal classification.
1.1 Training and Testing
Learning to rank is a supervised learning task and thus
has training and testing phases (see Fig. 2).
The training data consists of queries and docu-
ments. Each query is associated with a number of docu-
ments. The relevance of the documents with respect to
the query is also given. The relevance information can
be represented in several ways. Here, we take the most
widely used approach and assume that the relevance of
a document with respect to a query is represented by
2011 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers