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The document "藏经阁-HBase_Procedure_V2介绍.pdf" provides an in-depth introduction to Procedure V2, authored by Zhang Duo in July 2018. Procedure V2 is a key component of the architecture of the system, consisting of ProcedureExecutor, ProcedureScheduler, ProcedureStore, Load, Push, Poll, Insert, Update, and Delete functionalities.
The ProcedureExecutor plays a crucial role in executing procedures, while the ProcedureScheduler manages the scheduling of procedures. The ProcedureStore stores procedure-related data, and the Load, Push, Poll, Insert, Update, and Delete functions are responsible for various aspects of managing procedures within the system.
The execution flow of Procedure V2 involves the following steps:
1. Poll a procedure from the scheduler.
2. Acquire lock.
3. Execute the procedure.
4. Update the procedure store.
5. Depending on the return value:
a. If the return value is the procedure itself, then immediately re-execute it.
Overall, Procedure V2 is a comprehensive and robust system for managing procedures within the architecture, ensuring efficient execution and streamlined processes. The components work seamlessly together to facilitate the execution of procedures, providing a reliable and effective framework for handling tasks within the system.
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