"基于Spring Boot和Vue的汽车租赁系统设计与实现"

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formation management industry has made people's daily lives increasingly inseparable from computer and internet technology. Firstly, based on the collected user requirements analysis, there is a preliminary understanding of the design system, determining the overall functional modules of the car rental system. Then, the main functional modules of the system are detailed designed, and relevant data information is stored in the database through the database design process. Finally, the system is tested mainly using functional testing to identify problems and improve the system design. The development of this system is of great significance. In terms of security, the system adopts protective measures such as registration and password when users access the website via a browser to enhance the reliability and maintain the security of users' personal information and property. In terms of convenience, it promotes the informatization construction of the car rental system, greatly facilitating the management of car rental system information by relevant staff. Keywords: car rental system management; Java language; B/S mode; AJAX technology; system testing.