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With the rapid advancement of technology and the widespread use of the internet, various systems are being developed to take advantage of the benefits offered by the information age. This article focuses on the development of a music website using the SSM (Spring, SpringMVC, and MyBatis) technology and MySQL database. By applying software engineering principles and development methods, the system is designed to meet the practical needs of a real-world music website.
The development process begins with a thorough analysis of the requirements of the music website, identifying its main functionalities. This is followed by the overall design and detailed design phases. The overall design includes the design of management functions, system structure, data structure, and system security. The detailed design focuses on the implementation of database access for the music website, the specific implementation of key functionality modules, and the key code for module implementation.
The functionality of the music website is then tested, and the results of the testing are analyzed and summarized. This helps identify shortcomings and areas for improvement, providing convenience for future maintenance of the music website and serving as a reference for the development of similar music websites in the future. The development of the music website aims to make the system more convenient and efficient, while also promoting its systematic and orderly nature. The user interface of the system is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
Keywords: music website, MySQL database, SSM technology, Java
2023-06-22 上传
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