
0 下载量 44 浏览量 更新于2024-01-26 1 收藏 1.79MB DOCX 举报
Abstract With the rapid advancement of technology and the widespread use of the internet, various systems are being developed to take advantage of the benefits offered by the information age. This article focuses on the development of a music website using the SSM (Spring, SpringMVC, and MyBatis) technology and MySQL database. By applying software engineering principles and development methods, the system is designed to meet the practical needs of a real-world music website. The development process begins with a thorough analysis of the requirements of the music website, identifying its main functionalities. This is followed by the overall design and detailed design phases. The overall design includes the design of management functions, system structure, data structure, and system security. The detailed design focuses on the implementation of database access for the music website, the specific implementation of key functionality modules, and the key code for module implementation. The functionality of the music website is then tested, and the results of the testing are analyzed and summarized. This helps identify shortcomings and areas for improvement, providing convenience for future maintenance of the music website and serving as a reference for the development of similar music websites in the future. The development of the music website aims to make the system more convenient and efficient, while also promoting its systematic and orderly nature. The user interface of the system is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Keywords: music website, MySQL database, SSM technology, Java
2023-06-22 上传
基于ssm的音乐网站的设计与实现 Java;SSM;JSP;MySQL; 功能需求分析 网站前台: 用户可以在不登录的情况下访问本系统,但是不能进行商品音乐的收听或收藏,也不能对自己的个人信息进行修改。 (1)用户的注册与登录:游客想要在一个网站对自己的信息进行修改的话,需要经过一系列的有验证信息的注册,成为网站的正式用户后,可以编辑或修改自己的个人信息。 (2)站内新闻:用户可以在网站内进行站内新闻的查看。 (3)音乐列表:通过音乐列表功能可以浏览网站内的所有音乐,当你点击某一个音乐作品后可以进行收听,还可以进行MV的观看。 (4)在线留言:用户可以在网站上进行在线留言。 网站后台: (1)用户信息管理:管理员可以查看和维护网站内所有的用户信息,可以通过用户的编号或者用户名进行查找,查找到具体的用户后可以对用户的信息进行修改,也可以直接删除用户的信息。 (2)留言管理模块:后台管理员可以对网站内的留言信息进行管理,比如可以查看当前系统内的所有留言信息,还可以对其进行维护和删除。 (3)音乐信息管理模块:管理员可以查看已有的所有音乐并对其进行维护或删除,还可以在网站内新增新的音乐信息。 (4)系统设置管理模块:管理员可以添加和管理系统设置信息,如添加系统公告、友情链接等信息。 (5)站内新闻管理模块:为了让广大用户更了解本网站,网站管理员会定期对站内新闻进行管理。