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Chapter 3: Data Representation in Computer Systems In the third chapter of the Computer Organization course, students will learn about the representation of data in computer systems. The goal of this lesson is to understand how different types of data are represented in binary and hexadecimal formats. The lesson starts by focusing on the representation of positive integers in binary form. Students will learn how to convert decimal numbers into binary, and vice versa. They will also become familiar with the hexadecimal numbering system and how it is used in computer systems. One of the key concepts covered in this chapter is the different types of binary representations, including signed and unsigned numbers. Students will learn about the concepts of original code, complement code, and shifting code, and how they are used to represent positive and negative numbers in computer systems. The lesson also introduces students to digital arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, in binary and hexadecimal formats. They will learn how these operations are performed using the different number representations taught in the chapter. Overall, by the end of this lesson, students should have a solid understanding of how data is represented in computer systems, including the various number systems and coding schemes used. They will be able to perform basic arithmetic operations in binary and hexadecimal, and understand the significance of different data representations in computer organization. This chapter sets a strong foundation for future lessons on computer organization and architecture.
