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"Mastering Ansible - Second Edition-406" 本书是《Mastering Ansible》的第二版,旨在深入探讨Ansible这一自动化工具的使用和设计。这本书适合那些已经对Ansible有基本了解,想要进一步提升技能的IT专业人士,特别是运维人员。书中详细讲解了Ansible的系统架构、设计原则以及实际操作中的各种技巧。 Ansible版本与配置管理是书中的一个重要主题,作者详细介绍了如何处理不同版本的Ansible,并讨论了配置设置的影响。在库存管理部分,书中提到了静态库存和动态库存的概念,前者是固定的主机列表,后者则可以根据特定条件动态生成。此外,还讨论了如何解析和使用数据源,以及如何通过库存变量来存储和传递数据。 动态库存的章节阐述了如何在运行时动态添加主机到库存,使自动化过程更具灵活性。同时,书中也解释了如何限制执行任务的主机范围,确保操作只针对特定的主机集合。 在剧本解析部分,作者详细说明了剧本执行的顺序和操作,包括相对路径假设和剧本行为指令。执行策略是另一个关键点,它决定了剧本如何并行或串行执行任务,以优化效率。 主机选择逻辑是Ansible的核心之一,书中解释了如何根据规则选择剧本和任务应作用的主机。模块是Ansible的核心元素,书中详细介绍了模块的使用、传输方式以及执行机制。模块参数的设定和模块间的交互也是重点内容。 任务性能部分关注如何优化Ansible的执行速度,而变量类型和位置的章节则涵盖了Ansible中的不同变量类型,如何访问外部数据,以及变量的优先级顺序,这对于理解和控制剧本的行为至关重要。 此外,读者还可以通过提供的链接下载示例代码和彩色图片,以便于实践和理解书中的内容。如果有任何问题或反馈,可以通过出版社的网站获取支持,或者查阅错误清单(errata)以了解已知的问题。对于非法复制(piracy)行为,出版社持坚决反对态度,并鼓励合法使用图书资源。 《Mastering Ansible - Second Edition》是一部深度探索Ansible的权威指南,无论你是运维新手还是经验丰富的专业人士,都能从中获得宝贵的实战知识和技巧。
2017-04-02 上传
Mastering Ansible - Second Edition by Jesse Keating English | 30 Mar. 2017 | ASIN: B01N5HQ2AE | 310 Pages | AZW3 | 11.56 MB Key Features Learn how to extend Ansible with custom modules, plugins, and inventory sources Utilize advanced Ansible features to orchestrate rolling updates with little to no service disruptions An up-to-date book that brings to light the newly added features in Ansible 2.x Book Description This book provides you with the knowledge you need to understand how Ansible 2.1 works at a fundamental level and leverage its advanced capabilities. You'll learn how to encrypt Ansible content at rest and decrypt data at runtime. You will master the advanced features and capabilities required to tackle the complex automation challenges of today and beyond. You will gain detailed knowledge of Ansible workflows, explore use cases for advanced features, craft well thought out orchestrations, troubleshoot unexpected behaviour, and extend Ansible through customizations. Finally, you will discover the methods used to examine and debug Ansible operations, helping you to understand and resolve issues. By the end of the book, the readers will be able to unlock the true power of the Ansible automation engine and will tackle complex real world actions with ease. What you will learn Gain an in-depth understanding of how Ansible works under the covers Fully automate the Ansible playbook executions with encrypted data Access and manipulate variable data within playbooks Use Blocks to construct failure recovery or cleanup Explore the Playbook debugger and Ansible Console Troubleshoot unexpected behavior effectively Work with cloud infrastructure providers and container systems Develop custom modules, plugins, and dynamic inventory sources About the Author Jesse Keating is an accomplished Ansible user, contributor, and presenter. He has been an active member of the Linux and open source community for over fifteen years. He has first-hand experience with a variety of IT activities, software development, and large-scale system administration. He has presented at numerous conferences and meet-ups, and has written many articles on a variety of topics. Table of Contents System Architecture and Design of Ansible Protecting Your Secrets with Ansible Unlocking the Power of Jinja2 Templates Controlling Task Conditions Composing Reusable Ansible Content with Roles Minimizing Downtime with Rolling Deployments Troubleshooting Ansible Extending Ansible Infrastructure Provisioning