"基于Android的友人拼车App设计与实现" - 研究论文总结

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Abstract: As the development of application science and the Internet continues, smartphones have become a necessary tool for everyone. Android has captured a high market share of 70%, making it an important platform for app development. To design and develop an app, the first step is to determine the development language and set up the development environment. Then, the feasibility of the system needs to be analyzed, followed by the design and development of the system. The design includes overall system design, module design, database design, and the design of the Friend Carpooling System app client system, which mainly implements four major functional modules - user module, carpooling module, forum module, and order module, to realize the functions of the Friend Carpooling System. The implementation of the Friend Carpooling System app based on Android primarily utilizes Android technology and Java language, with Android Studio as the development environment. This facilitates maintenance work after software development is completed and ensures the system has a simple and user-friendly interface. Keywords: carpooling, Android, app.