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1. adhere(vt.)坚持、遵守
在英语六级考试中,adhere经常与policy、law、rule等词组合使用,表示遵守或坚持某项政策、法律或规则。例如:China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs.
拓展:adhere还可以表示材料之间的粘附,如:The glue will adhere to the surface of the wood.
2. cherish(vt.)珍视、珍藏
cherish经常与memory、experience等词组合使用,表示珍视或记忆某个经历或经验。例如:I will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live!
拓展:cherish还可以表示珍视或关心某个人或事物,如:She cherishes her relationship with her husband.
3. ascribe(vt.)归因于、归功于
ascribe经常与某个结果或事件组合使用,表示将其归因于某个原因或原因。例如:The agency ascribed the temperature climb mainly to increased greenhouse gas emissions, cyclical temperature fluctuations and less cold air generated from the Arctic.
拓展:ascribe还可以表示将某个作品或成果归功于某个人或团队,如:The novel ascribed to the famous author.
4. coincide(vi.)同时发生、符合
coincide经常与某个事件或结果组合使用,表示两个或多个事件同时发生或符合。例如:Her taste in music coincides with her husband's.
拓展:coincide还可以表示两个或多个事件的时间或地点相同,如:The meeting will coincide with the holiday.
5. overwhelm(vt.)压倒、击败
overwhelm经常与某个对手或竞争对手组合使用,表示压倒或击败对手。例如:Our team overwhelmed the visitors by 40 points.
拓展:overwhelm还可以表示某个事件或情感压倒某个人,如:The news overwhelmed her.
6. overwhelming(adj.)压倒性的、绝对的
overwhelming经常与某个结果或事件组合使用,表示某个结果或事件具有压倒性的优势或影响。例如:Beijing took an overwhelming majority of votes and won the Olympic bid.
拓展:overwhelming还可以表示某个事件或情感具有压倒性的影响,如:The beautiful scenery was overwhelming.
7. pursuit(n.)追求、努力
pursuit经常与某个目标或理想组合使用,表示为达到某个目标或理想所作的努力或追求。例如:We've simply reaffirmed an old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness.
拓展:pursuit还可以表示某个活动或事业,如:The pursuit of science.
8. comply(vt.)遵守、服从
comply经常与某个规则或政策组合使用,表示遵守或服从某个规则或政策。例如:China will strictly comply with the universally acknowledged market rules.
拓展:comply还可以表示某个系统或机器遵守某个标准或规则,如:The software will comply with the industry standard.
9. conspicuous(adj.)显眼的、明显的
conspicuous经常与某个物体或事件组合使用,表示某个物体或事件非常显眼或明显。例如:The house standing on the island is very conspicuous.
拓展:conspicuous还可以表示某个特征或特点非常明显,如:His talent is conspicuous.
10. endeavour(n.)努力、尝试
endeavour经常与某个目标或任务组合使用,表示为达到某个目标或完成某个任务所作的努力或尝试。例如:Despite our best endeavours, we couldn't get the machines started.
拓展:endeavour还可以表示某个活动或事业,如:The endeavour to explore the space.
11. homogeneous(adj.)同种的、均质的
homogeneous经常与某个物质或混合物组合使用,表示某个物质或混合物是同种的或均质的。例如:Milk and cream are homogeneous foods, and they are both dairy products.
拓展:homogeneous还可以表示某个系统或过程是同种的或均质的,如:The homogeneous catalysis.
12. immerse(vt.)沉浸、浸泡
immerse经常与某个活动或情境组合使用,表示沉浸或浸泡于某个活动或情境中。例如:She was so deeply immersed in reading that she forgot the supper.
拓展:immerse还可以表示某个物体或物质被浸泡于某个液体中,如:The cloth was immersed in the water.
13. indulge(vt.)满足、沉溺
indulge经常与某个欲望或嗜好组合使用,表示满足或沉溺于某个欲望或嗜好。例如:Will you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost?
拓展:indulge还可以表示某个物体或物质被浸泡于某个液体中,如:The cake was indulged in chocolate sauce.
14. persistent(adj.)坚持的、持久的
persistent经常与某个努力或尝试组合使用,表示坚持或持久的努力或尝试。例如:She was persistent in her pursuit of the goal.
拓展:persistent还可以表示某个事件或过程具有持久的影响,如:The persistent inflation.
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