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"Core Python Programming(2nd).pdf" 《Core Python Programming》第二版是由Wesley Chun编著的一本深入浅出的Python编程教材。这本书以其深入细致的讲解和广泛的覆盖范围而备受赞誉,尤其适合那些希望系统学习Python语言的读者。它不仅包含了Python的基础语法,还涉及到了高级特性,如面向对象编程、网络编程、多线程、数据库接口等,旨在帮助读者全面掌握Python编程技能。 在书中,作者Wesley Chun提供了大量实用的练习题,让读者能够在实践中巩固所学知识。这些练习涵盖了各种实际编程场景,有助于提升读者解决实际问题的能力。此外,书中的内容结构清晰,理论与实践相结合,使得初学者能够逐步建立起坚实的Python编程基础。 亚历克斯·马特利(Alex Martelli)的高度评价进一步证明了这本书的价值。作为Python领域的知名专家,他指出这本书的深度、广度以及实践性都是学习Python的理想选择。他认为《Core Python Programming》优于其他同类教材,比如O'Reilly出版社的《Learning Python》和《Programming Python》,以及Manning出版社的《The Quick Python Book》。 大卫·梅尔兹(David Mertz)博士,IBM DeveloperWorks的贡献者,也对这本书给出了极高的评价。他强调,《Core Python Programming》是目前市场上最好的Python学习资源,其内容质量和实用性都超过了其他知名的Python教程。 通过阅读本书,读者可以学习到: 1. Python基础:包括变量、数据类型、控制结构、函数等。 2. 面向对象编程:类、对象、继承、多态等概念。 3. 文件操作和异常处理:学习如何读写文件以及如何处理程序运行时可能出现的错误。 4. 模块和包:了解如何组织和导入代码,以及Python标准库的使用。 5. 网络编程:HTTP、SMTP、FTP等协议的实现。 6. 多线程和并发:理解线程和进程的概念,以及如何在Python中实现并发执行。 7. 数据库编程:连接和操作SQL数据库,如SQLite、MySQL等。 8. GUI编程:使用Tkinter或其他库创建图形用户界面。 9. 测试和调试:编写单元测试,使用调试工具进行问题排查。 总而言之,《Core Python Programming》是一本适合初学者和有一定经验的Python程序员的全面教程,无论你是想要入门Python,还是希望深化对Python的理解,这本书都能提供宝贵的指导。通过学习这本书,读者将能够掌握Python的核心知识,并具备解决复杂编程问题的能力。
2011-08-30 上传
Core PYTHON Programming, 2nd Edition (pdf, Python 2.5) Python is an agile, robust, expressive, fully object-oriented, extensible, and scalable programming language. It combines the power of compiled languages with the simplicity and rapid development of scripting languages. In Core Python Programming, Second Edition, leading Python developer and trainer Wesley Chun helps you learn Python quickly and comprehensively so that you can immediately succeed with any Python project. Using practical code examples, Chun introduces all the fundamentals of Python programming: syntax, objects and memory management, data types, operators, files and I/O, functions, generators, error handling and exceptions, loops, iterators, functional programming, object-oriented programming and more. After you learn the core fundamentals of Python, he shows you what you can do with your new skills, delving into advanced topics, such as regular expressions, networking programming with sockets, multithreading, GUI development, Web/CGI programming and extending Python in C. This edition reflects major enhancements in the Python 2.x series, including 2.5 as well as capabilities set for future versions. It contains new chapters on database and Internet client programming, plus coverage of many new topics, including new-style classes, Java and Jython, Microsoft Office (Win32 COM Client) programming, and much more. Learn professional Python style, best practices, and good programming habits Gain a deep understanding of Python’s objects and memory model as well as its OOP features, including those found in Python’s new-style classes Build more effective Web, CGI, Internet, and network and other client/server applications Learn how to develop your own GUI applications using Tkinter and other toolkits available for Python Improve the performance of your Python applications by writing extensions in C and other languages, or enhance I/O-bound applications by using multithreading Learn about Python’s database API and how to use a variety of database systems with Python, including MySQL, Postgres, and SQLite Core Python Programming delivers Systematic, expert coverage of Python’s core features Powerful insights for developing complex applications Easy-to-use tables and charts detailing Python modules, operators, functions, and methods Dozens of professional-quality code examples, from quick snippets to full-fledged applications The Complete Developer’s Guide to Python—Fully Updated for Python 2.5 New to Python? The definitive guide to Python development for experienced programmers Covers core language features thoroughly, including those found in the latest Python releases Learn advanced topics such as regular expressions, networking, multithreading, GUI, and Web/CGI Includes brand-new chapters on database, Internet, Jython, and COM Client programming Presents hundreds of code samples and practical exercises to strengthen your Python skills Book Details Paperback: 1136 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition (September 2006) Language English ISBN-10: 0132269937 ISBN-13: 978-0132269933 File Size: 55.9 MiB epub 格式 http://download.csdn.net/source/3560240