Abstract—With the rapid growth of wireless communication
networks with vary kinds of business, more and more users get a
colorful, high-quality information service, which also put
forward higher requirements on the quality of service of
wireless communication networks. The paper proposed a time
division multi-channel p-persistent CSMA based on binary trees
conflict resolution mechanism, designed slotted access and
combining continuous-time access control clock, using
p-persistent probability selection, conducted traffic control by
multi-channel priority for random access system. The study use
the advantages of integrated slot-type access control and
continuous-time access control, with binary trees conflict
resolution mechanism which could resolve the conflict and
resent the information packets in conflict, such that the system
performance has been improved. By modeling analysis, the
p-persistent probability can control the protocol throughput.
The analytical results and simulation results show that the
theoretical analysis and simulation experiments are consistent.
At the same time, simulations are also given overview of the
probability slotted and time division protocol.
Index Terms—Wireless sensor network, p-persistent CSMA,
binary tree conflict resolution, multichannel, throughput.
The wireless sensor network (WSN) is a composed of
sensors, data processing Yuan and communication module
integrated small network nodes. The nodes form into a
dedicated and self-organization wireless network under the
control of efficient MAC control protocols and routing
protocol of. The sensor nodes can capture the environment
temperature, humidity, noise, light intensity, pressure, soil
composition, velocity of the moving object, direction and
other physical measurements, and then by the channel data
processing chip and a dedicated communication circuit point
within the acquired collection of information transmit to the
control center. Because of this sensor network functional
integration, widely used, cost-effective, so it becomes the hot
topic inside and outside the country in recent years [1].
With the rapid growth of wireless communication networks
with vary kinds of business, more and more users get a
colorful, high-quality information service, which also put
Manuscript received November 15, 2015; revised May 12, 2016. This
work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(61461053, 61461054, 61072079); Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan
Province (2010CD023); The Financial Support of Yunnan University
The authors are with Yunnan University, Kunming, 650091, China
(e-mail: 814627093@qq.com, zhoushengjie@hotmail.com,
forward higher requirements on the quality of service of
wireless communication networks than the original single
QoS. Services business control policy cannot meet the
development needs of wireless communication network
applications. MIMO, OFDM and other new technologies, but
also for multi-channel study MAC control protocol provides
condition technology, which is also MAC media access
control protocol, and self-organizing nature of the network
proposed a higher demand. WSN is the end of the
next-generation network will be used, which is in full
movement the concept and peer networking technology, the
introduction of new network communication protocol to
achieve fast networking motion states. In existing random
access network communication protocol, it is difficult to meet
the mobile self-organization, multi-operational network
requirements [2].
In this paper, wireless sensor network, proposes time
division multi-channel p-persistent CSMA based on binary
trees conflict resolution mechanism, its basic principle is that
the channel is the continuous clock manner during channel is
idle; the channel is the slot time manner during channel is
busy. Upon sensing the channel is idle, at the beginning of the
next slot, the nodes send the information packet with
probability p, with probability (1-p) abandon send; when the
packet idle period that is continuous clock arrives, sent at the
same probability p, with probability (1-p) abandon sent [3].
After the introduction of binary collision resolution
mechanism, information packet collisions can be sent again in
the next time after all the collisions is divided making the
system more robust; increases the system throughput [4].
When we introduce the multichannel mechanism, the
system has N channels to transmit packets, the nodes occupied
of channel resources randomly according to their different
business requirements. Each priority has no limit on the
number of users, the order of priority from high to low be
priority N, priority N-1... priority 1 [5]. Priority
of business
occupied the channel 1 to channel
, as shown in Fig. 1. The
arrival information packets on the channel
distribution with arriving rate is
, the arrival process of
priority r on the channel
obedience the process with arrival
/ ( 1)
G N i
. Such system is a load balancing
system, the same arrival rates for each channel
( 1,2,..., )
G G i N
[6]. Different quality of service
according to different requirements, the multi-channel CSMA
protocol realized different services of different QoS
prioritization requirements by prioritizing.
Research on Time Division Multi-channel p-Persistent
CSMA Based on Binary Trees Conflict Resolution
Yifan Zhao, Shengjie Zhou, Hongwei Ding, Qianlin Liu, Zhijun Yang, and Chunfen Li
of Advances in Computer Networks, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2016
doi: 10.18178/jacn.2016.4.2.213