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Automatic vending machine software design graduation thesis.doc" as the main content. The thesis explores the development and application of automatic vending machines in response to the increasing demand for flexible, convenient, and efficient self-service solutions. It discusses how automatic vending machines have become an integral part of the retail industry in developed countries, attracting a large customer base for purchasing drinks, snacks, and other products. Furthermore, the thesis highlights the focus on energy conservation in the development of new types of automatic vending machines to address climate change issues.
The research in the thesis focuses on the automation, energy efficiency, and computer software development aspects of the automatic vending machine industry. It specifically emphasizes the use of Java programming language in designing a software system for automatic vending machines. The software system includes features such as coin recognition, coin value accumulation, automatic vending, and change dispensing. The program code of the software system is designed with flexibility and scalability in mind, allowing for easy reuse and minimal impact on existing code when implementing new features in the system.
Key words: automatic vending machine; Java design patterns; J2SE
Overall, the thesis provides a comprehensive study on the design and implementation of automatic vending machine software using Java programming language. It highlights the importance of automation, energy efficiency, and software development in meeting the evolving needs of the retail industry and addressing environmental concerns. The research presented in the thesis contributes to the advancement of automatic vending machine technology and provides insight into the future development of self-service solutions for consumers.
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