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Communication system is a crucial technology system that facilitates the transmission of information from a source to one or more destinations. Modulation and demodulation play an essential role in the transmission of information and are indispensable in this process. Therefore, studying the modulation and demodulation process of a system is of utmost importance.
MATLAB is a powerful scientific computing language that integrates numerical computations, graphic plotting, image processing, and system simulation capabilities. Its robust matrix operations, graphical visualization features, and extensive toolboxes provide great convenience for the analysis of modulation and demodulation processes in communication systems.
This thesis introduces the concept of communication systems and delves into modulation and demodulation processes. It also discusses several commonly used modulation and demodulation methods. Due to the powerful functionalities of MATLAB, the thesis provides a detailed introduction to the MATLAB Communication System Toolbox and presents the implementation of modulation and demodulation in a communication system based on MATLAB. The simulation is conducted using MATLAB simulation software.
2023-07-02 上传
2023-07-04 上传
2023-07-02 上传
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