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"《工程师的Mathematica®指南》是一本由Edward B. Magrab撰写的专业教材,旨在为学习和应用Mathematica®提供一个清晰且详尽的资源。这本书专为工程师设计,适合那些希望深入理解和掌握这一强大的数学软件工具的人。作者是来自美国马里兰大学的专家,其2014年的首次出版体现了他对Mathematica®的深厚理解和实践经验。 本书不仅包含了基本的编程入门知识,还涵盖了高级功能和实际工程应用中的案例,使得读者能够在实践中提升技能。它系统地讲解了Mathematica®的功能,包括符号计算、图形绘制、数据分析、算法实现等方面,帮助读者从基础操作到复杂问题求解都能得心应手。 版权方面,该书遵循1988年英国版权、设计和专利法,强调了原创作者权益,并规定未经许可,不得以任何形式复制、存储或传输内容,除非符合法律规定的条件。Wiley出版社也提供了电子版的选项,但某些纸质版中包含的内容可能在电子版中不可用。 对于想要自学Mathematica®或者提升现有技能的工程师来说,《工程师的Mathematica®指南》是一本不可或缺的参考资料,它以实用性和理论相结合的方式,让读者能够有效地利用Mathematica®进行工程计算和问题解决,提高工作效率。无论你是初学者还是进阶用户,都能从中找到有价值的知识和实例来支撑自己的工作实践。"
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this file contains:A Mathematica Primer for Physicists-CRC Press (2018).pdf An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language 2ed.pdf An Engineer's guide to Mathematica.pdf An Introduction to Programming with mma.pdf Classical Mechanics with Mathematica?-Birkh?user (2018).pdf CRC standard curves and surfaces with Mathematica-CRC Press (2016).pdf Dynamical Systems with Applications Using Mathematica.pdf Essentials of Programming in Mathematica.pdf Foundations of Fluid Mechanics with Applications Problem Solving Using Mathematica.pdf Geographical Models with Mathematica- ISTE Press - Elsevier (2017).pdf Geometric Optics_ Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical Systems Using Mathematica.pdf Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics Problem Solving with Mathematica.pdf Groups and Manifolds_ Lectures for Physicists with Examples in Mathematica (2017, de Gruyter).pdf HANDS-ON START TO WOLFRAM 2016.pdf Introduction to mma with Applications.pdf Irreducibility and Computational Equivalence 10 Years After Wolfram's A New Kind of Science.pdf Mathematica Beyond Mathematics. The Wolfram Language in the Real World.pdf Mathematica by Example 5 Edition-Academic Press (2017).pdf Mathematica介绍及数学建模中的应用.pdf mma for Bioinformatics. A Wolfram Language Approach to Omics-Springer (2018).pdf Molecular Physical Chemistry_ A Computer-based Approach using Mathematica? and Gaussian-Springer International Publishing (2017).pdf Raspbian OS Programming with the Raspberry Pi_ IoT Projects with Wolfram, Mathematica, and Scratch-Apress (2019).pdf Schaum's Outline of Mathematica and the wolfram language.pdf