Learning Features from Large-Scale, Noisy and Social
Image-Tag Collection
Hanwang Zhang
, Xindi Shang
, Huanbo Luan
, Yang Yang
, Tat-Seng Chua
National University of Singapore
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Tsinghua University
Feature representation for multimedia content is the key to
the progress of many fundamental multimedia tasks. Al-
though recent advances in deep feature learning offer a promis-
ing route towards these tasks, they are limited in application
to domains where high-quality and large-scale training data
are hard to obtain. In this paper, we propose a novel deep
feature learning paradigm based on large, noisy and social
image-tag collections, which can be acquired from the inex-
haustible social multimedia content on the Web. Instead of
learning features from high-quality image-label supervision,
we propose to learn from the image-word semantic relations,
in a way of seeking a unified image-word embedding space,
where the pairwise feature similarities preserve the semantic
relations in the original image-word pairs. We offer an easy-
to-use implementation for the proposed paradigm, which is
fast and compatible for integrating into any state-of-the-art
deep architectures. Experiments on NUSWIDE benchmark
demonstrate that the features learned by our method signif-
icantly outperforms other state-of-the-art ones.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.3 [Information Search and Retrieval]: Retrieval
feature learning; visual-semantic embedding; multimodal anal-
The progress in multimedia applications is largely due to
the advances of feature representations for multimedia con-
tent. For example, over the past decades, we have witnessed
the evolution of visual features from color histogram to SIFT
interest points and to the recent deep learning features, that
help to move a large varieties of multimedia applications
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MM’15, October 26–30, 2015, Brisbane, Australia.
2015 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3459-4/15/10 ...$15.00.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2733373.2806286.
ImageNet SBU
Cleartrip's office area near
my desk
A gorgeous butterfly stopped
by to check out dog park
progress on 8-6-08.
(a) Samples from ImageNet and SBU
(b) Feature Visualization
Figure 1: t-SNE visualization for the features of a mil-
lion SBU images from Flickr. Different colors represent
different semantic categories. One of the distribution is
learned by deep learning a million images across 1,000
categories from high-quality labeled ImageNet and the
other is learned by a million images weakly-labeled by
over 30,000 unique tags by SBU (cf. Section 3 for de-
tails). Both sides show that the features are represen-
tative. Can you tell which side is learned by SBU? (see
answers below)
from academic prototypes into industrial products [14]. To-
day, a general consensus is that learning-based features by
deep neural networks can outperform most hand engineered
features and therefore free us to focus on designing algo-
rithms and end applications.
In order to learn strong features, we need a large-scale and
high-quality dataset. At this point, ImageNet with millions
of human-labeled images across thousands of semantic cate-
gories has offered us a reliable incubator to develop features.
However, this dataset is built by Web images five years ago
and hence it lags behind the fast evolving semantic and vi-
sual diversities in real-world scenarios. For example, differ-
ent emerging vertical domains like fashion (e.g., Taobao and
Amazon) would need different datasets in order to learn spe-
cific features for shoes and clothes domain. Moreover, videos
from emerging popular social networks (e.g., Snapchat and
Vine) would love features different from what were learned
from images. Building such datasets not only requires heavy
and tedious labeling efforts but also expert domain knowl-
edge, any of which is expensive. This awkward situation
Left: ImageNet. Right: SBU.