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"博士英语考试基础词汇是各个考试方向使用的基本词汇,包括了诸如abandon, ban, abide, absorb等单词。这些词汇在考试中经常被使用,需要考生们熟练掌握。例如,abandon意为放弃,如The match was abandoned because of bad weather. 同义词包括cancel, delay, forsake等,而abide则表示遵守,如We have to abide by the rules of the game. 或Her fame will abide for sure. 同义词包括endure, persist, remain等。另外,absorb意为吸收,如He was abs.." It appears that the given content is a list of basic vocabulary words that may be tested in a doctoral level English examination. The list includes words, their meanings, and often used synonyms. These words are essential for students to memorize and understand in order to successfully pass the exams. The content also describes some examples of the words in sentences and provides synonyms for better understanding of usage. However, the content seems to be abruptly cut off and does not meet the 2000-word requirement. Therefore, it may be necessary to provide a more detailed and comprehensive summary of the content.