IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 17, NO. 24, DECEM BER 15, 2017 8187
Tomographic Wire-Mesh Imaging of Water–Air
Flow Based on Sparse Minimization
Shangjie Ren, Member, IEEE, Hongcheng Liu, Chao Tan, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Feng Dong, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract— The wire-mesh sensor is widely used in the measure-
ment of two-phase flow. Comparing with the other flow imaging
methods, the wire-mesh method has the advantages of high tem-
poral resolution, cost efficiency, and with high robustness against
effects of flow patterns, but suffers from the comparatively low
resolution. In this paper, a tomographic method was proposed
to enhance the spatial resolution of the wire-mesh sensor. The
wire-mesh image is refined through reconstruction with a linear
observation model and the raw data from the wire-mesh sensor.
The sparse minimization method with folded concave penalty
was p resented to solve the i mage reconstruction problem. The
numerical and experimental results show that the proposed
method can produce the resolution-enhanced wire-mesh images
with less artifacts and distinct phase interfaces, and thus gives
a theoretically possibility to observing the details of the target
flow conditions.
Index Terms— Wire-mesh sensor, tomographic imaging
method, image reconstruction, sparse minimization, folded
concave penalty.
IRE-MESH sensor is one of the powerful tools for
the measurement of multi-phase flow. The concept
of wire-mesh sensor was introduced by Prasser et al. [1] in
an earlier time. Two planes of orthogonal distributed wire
electrodes were spanned over a cross section of a pipeline. The
local instantaneous conductance at the crossing points (sensing
points) of the wire electrodes was measured for producing
the cross-sectional images of the distributions of the flow
parameter, such as: the phase concentrations and the bubble
sizes. Due to the advantages of high time reso lution, cost
efficiency and robust to flow regimes, such a wire-mesh
imaging method was widely studied in the field of multi-
phase flow, and has been proved to be accurate by comparing
Manuscript received June 28, 2017; revised August 17, 2017 and
September 6, 2017; accepted September 6, 2017. Date of publication
September 14, 2017; date of current version November 22, 2017. This work
was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
under Grant 61401304, in part by the joint project through the National
Natural Science Foundation of China and the Royal Society of Edinburgh
under Grant 6151101270, in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin
under Grant 17JCQNJC03500, and in part by the Science and Technology
Innovation Plan of Tianjin under Grant 16PTSYJC00060. The associate editor
coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was
Dr. Marco J. Da Silva. (Corresponding author: Chao Tan.)
S. Ren, C. Tan, and F. Dong are with the Tianjin Key Laboratory of Process
Measurement and Control, School of Electrical and Information Engineer-
ing, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China (e-mail: rensjie@tju.edu.cn;
tanchao@tju.edu.cn; fdong@tju.edu.cn).
H. Liu is with Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611 USA (e-mail: liu.h@ufl.edu).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2752226
with the other flow imaging methods, such as: the ultra-fast
x-ray CT [2], [3], the electrical resistance tomography [4],
the electrical capacitance tomography [5] and the conductive
needle-probes [6]. By far, the wire-mesh imaging method is
not only used to measure the flow parameters [7], but also
used to discover the dynamic characteristic of the different
flow pattern s [8].
Currently, the most commonly used wire-mesh imaging
methods are non-tomographic. For a wire-mesh sensor consists
of L transmitter and L receiver electrodes, a L × L image
is directly conducted from the L × L wire-mesh sensor
data. The resolution of a wire-mesh image is limited to
the electrode pitch. This makes it d ifficult to observe the
small bubbles or slight interfaces fluctuations with wire-mesh
technique. A straightforward method to improve the resolution
of a wire-mesh sensor is to decrease the wire separation. For
example, da Silva et al. [9] reported a wire-mesh sensor with
2.8 mm electrode pitch and 24 × 24 measurements per frame
of data. However, the decreased wire separation will increase
the mechanical load at the wire electro des.
Another kind of methods to improve the resolution is based
on the phase in terface extraction technique. A high reso lution
binarization of the image was conducted by segmenting the
bubbles in the raw wire-mesh images with the individually
assigned thresholds [10]. The method was improved for sep-
arating the nearby bubbles that affect a number of crossing
points simultaneously [11]. Recently, a similar idea was used
to extract the stratified phase interfaces in horizontal two-phase
flow [12]. The interface extraction method has a high com-
putational efficiency, and provide high-resolution, even full-
resolution, wire-mesh images. However, they are developed
for a specific flow pattern, e.g. bubbly flow [10] or stratified
flow [12]. An additional flow pattern recognition procedure,
such as: [13], is necessary when these methods are applied in
variant flow conditions.
The tomographic wire-mesh imaging method is a promising
resolution enhancement method that is robust to flow patterns.
In 1996, Reinecke et al. [14] proposed a tomographic wire-
mesh imaging system. Three planes of thin wires were used to
obtain the projections of the conductivity distribution along the
different directions. A high-resolution image with 1000 pixels
was reconstructed from 84 measurements. Since the number
of given measurements is much less than the number of
unknown pixels, the tomographic wire-mesh imaging problem
was highly ill-posed, and thus was suffering (or suffered) fro m
the instability of the solution. In 2011, Sun and Wang [15]
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