Visible Raman and Brillouin lasers from a
microresonator/ZBLAN-fiber hybrid system
Department of Electronic Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
*Corresponding author:
Received 8 November 2018; revised 6 January 2019; accepted 13 March 2019; posted 14 March 2019 (Doc. ID 351318); published 29 April 2019
Raman and Brillouin lasers based on a high-quality (high-Q) whispering gallery mode microresonator (WGMR)
are usually achieved by employing a tunable single-frequency laser as a pump source. Here, we experimentally
demonstrate visible Raman and Brillouin lasers using a comp act microresonator/ZrF
(ZBLAN)-fiber hybrid system by incorporating a WGMR with a fiber-compatible distributed Bragg reflector/
fiber Bragg grating to form a Fabry– Perot (F-P) fiber cavity and using a piece of Pr:ZBLAN fiber as gain medium.
The high-Q silica-microsphere not only offers a Rayleigh-scattering-induced backreflection to form the ∼ 635 nm
red laser oscillation in the F-P fiber cavity, but also prov ides a nonlinear gain in the WGMR itself to generate
either stimulated Raman scattering or stimulated Brillouin scattering. Up to six-order cascaded Raman lasers at
0.65 μm, 0.67 μm, 0.69 μm, 0.71 μm, 0.73 μm, and 0.76 μm are achieved, respectively. Moreover, a Brillouin
laser at 635.54 nm is clearly observed. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first demonstration of visible
microresonator-based lasers created by combining a Pr:ZBLAN fiber. This structure can effectively extend the
laser wavelength in the WGMR to the visible waveband and may find potential applications in underwater
communication, biomedical diagnosis, microwave generation, and spectroscopy.
© 2019 Chinese Laser Press
Benefiting from high-quality (high-Q)-factor resonance and
low mode volume (V ), the light–matter interaction with a
figure of merit Q∕V can be significantly enhanced in whisper-
ing gallery mode microresonators (WGMRs) [1]. Many appli-
cations or scientific studies, such as low-threshold microlasers,
highly sensitive optical detection, optomechanics, and nonlin-
ear optics, have been widely explored in recent decades [2–6].
In particular, stimulated nonlinear phenomena, such as stimu-
lated Raman scattering (SRS) [7–16], stimulated Brillouin scat -
tering (SBS) [17–19], and four-wave mixing [20–23], have
been achieved in WGMRs under an ultra-low-threshold pump-
ing. As a natural nonlinear optical phenomenon [24], Raman
scattering could extend the laser waveband significantly. As
early as 1985, the visible Raman lasing in an individual liquid
droplet with a radius of ∼30 μm was demonstrated [7], and
then the Vahala group reported SRS at the near-infrared (IR)
waveband in a silica microsphere with a threshold power as low
as 50 μW[8]. Up to this point, SRS has been extensively
achieved in sphere/disk/toroid/bottle-like microresonators with
different hold media [8–16]. Benefiting from the ultra-narrow
linewidth, Raman lasing in WGMRs has recently been ex-
plored for non-label nanoparticle sensing in both aqueous
environments and air [25–27]. In addition, SBS in WGMRs
has a wide range of applications, such as microwave generation
[28,29], nonreciprocal light storage [30,31], and high coher-
ence microlasers [32].
Visible high-coherence lasers have become more and more
attractive in recent years due to their important roles in under-
water communication, biomedical diagnosis, and microscopy.
However, even though there are a few reports on the study
of nonlinear optics in WGMRs in the visible waveband
[12,16,21,22], resorting to external tunable single-frequency
lasers (TSFLs) as pump sources, visible Raman and Brillouin
lasers are still not adequately explored to fulfill future applica-
tions. In particular, Brillouin lasers in WGMRs have not (to
our knowledge) been demonstrated in the visible waveband
so far. There are two cost-effective ways to replace external
TSFLs for pumping WGMRs. One is to combine rare-
earth-doped fibers [33–35] as a gain medium, and the other
is to use semiconductor chips [36]. In the first scheme, erbium
(Er)- and ytterbium (Yb)-doped silica fibers have been used to
explore single-frequency lasers and further nonlinear optical
phenomena in the near-IR range. However, due to the high
phonon energy in silica fibers, rare-earth ions lose activity in
the visible waveband. One effective way to solve this problem
Vol. 7, No. 5 / May 2019 / Photonics Research
Research Article
2327-9125/19/050566-07 Journal © 2019 Chinese Laser Press