精通Windows Presentation Foundation:构建高效MVVM应用

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"Mastering.Windows.Presentation.Foundation" 这本书深入介绍了如何利用Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)构建高质量的应用程序,特别关注了MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel)设计模式的运用,性能优化,UI自动化,数据验证以及应用部署。 在书中,作者首先介绍了MVVM模式,这是一种用于提高开发效率的软件架构模式。MVVM通过分离视图、模型和视图模型,使得代码更加可测试和可维护。模型负责业务逻辑,视图负责用户界面展示,而视图模型作为两者之间的桥梁,处理数据绑定和命令处理。通过MVVM,开发者可以专注于各自领域的任务,提高工作效率。 数据绑定是WPF的核心特性之一,书中详细讲解了如何高效地使用数据绑定来实现视图和模型之间的同步。这包括了一对一绑定、双向绑定以及集合与控件之间的绑定,使数据更新能够实时反映在用户界面上。 在用户界面部分,作者讨论了如何充分利用WPF内置的控件和自定义控件来创建出色的用户体验。书中涵盖了2D和3D图形的使用,以实现丰富的视觉效果。此外,UI自动化让开发者能更好地自动化测试和调试界面,确保应用在各种情况下都能正常工作。 性能调优是另一个关键主题。通过学习如何优化数据加载、减少内存占用和提升渲染速度,开发者可以确保应用程序运行流畅,提供更好的用户体验。书中的内容包括了错误定位和修复,事件处理,以及如何利用委托和附加属性来处理复杂的交互逻辑。 最后,书中还涵盖了数据验证的高级技巧,针对不同的验证场景提供了多种方法,并演示了如何添加实用的动画来增强用户交互。部署教程则指导读者如何将完成的应用程序发布到目标平台,同时提供了将新知识应用于实际项目的方法和建议。 作者Sheridan Yuen是一位微软.NET MCTS和Oracle Java SCJP认证的软件开发者,他的经验和热情使得这本书内容丰富且实用。无论你是WPF初学者还是有经验的开发者,都能从这本书中学到提升技能和效率的有效方法。
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全网独家发布,最新wpf书籍,pdf高清文字版。 Key Features Learn how to use the MVVM software architectural pattern and see the benefits of using it with Windows Presentation Fountain (WPF) Learn which controls to use in particular situations and the various ways to modify them when required Obtain a deep understanding of data validation and understand various methods that suit different situations Book Description Windows Presentation Foundation is rich in possibilities when it comes to delivering an excellent user experience. This book will show you how to build professional-grade applications that look great and work smoothly. We start by providing you with a foundation of knowledge to improve your workflow - this includes teaching you how to build the base layer of the application, which will support all that comes after it. We'll also cover the useful details of data binding. Next, we cover the user interface and show you how to get the most out of the built-in and custom WPF controls. The final section of the book demonstrates ways to polish your applications, from adding practical animations and data validation to improving application performance. The book ends with a tutorial on how to deploy your applications and outlines potential ways to apply your new-found knowledge so you can put it to use right away. The book also covers 2D and 3D graphics, UI automation, and performance tuning. What you will learn Use MVVM to improve workflow Create visually stunning user interfaces Perform data binds proficiently Implement advanced data validation Locate and resolve errors quickly Master practical animations Improve your applications' performance Table of Contents Chapter 1. A Smarter Way of Working with WPF Chapter 2. Debugging WPF Applications Chapter 3. Writing Custom Application Frameworks Chapter 4. Becoming Proficient with Data Binding Chapter 5. Using the Right Controls for the Job Chapter 6. Mastering Practical Animations Chapter 7. Creating Visually Appealing User Interfaces Chapter 8. Implementing Responsive Data Validation Chapter 9. Completing That Great User Experience Chapter 10. Improving Application Performance Chapter 11. Deploying Your Masterpiece Application Chapter 12. What Next? Title: Mastering Windows Presentation Foundation Author: Sheridan Yuen Length: 516 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2017-04-06 ISBN-10: 1785883003 ISBN-13: 9781785883002