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功耗大、功能不全,采样时间长,难以测得瞬时转速的问题。 With the advantages of small size and strong control function, the microcontroller has been widely used in control applications. The multifunctional speed control system we designed is based on a microcontroller to achieve intelligent instrumentation. It has the advantages of multiple functions, low power consumption, intuitive accuracy, time display, speed limit warning system, printing, instant speed display, and so on. This paper elaborates on the working principle of the photoelectric sensor in this type of speed table, the structure, and the design of the speed conversion circuit. The decoder used in this design is MC14499, which is a high-integration LED display driver from MOTOROLA. It uses dynamic scanning to drive 4 LED digital tubes. It integrates latch, decoding, driving, scanning, and clocking in one. Keywords: speedometer, microcontroller, driver MC14499"
138 浏览量
2022-11-10 上传
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2022-11-10 上传
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- 粉丝: 98
- 资源: 2万+
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