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"Network traffic abnormal behavior analysis system.pdf;藏经阁-Network traffic abnormal behavior analysis system.pdf;APT is a term used to describe advanced persistent threats that have been observed since 2006, ranging from APT1 in 2009 to Heartbeat in 2013. The system aims to detect and analyze these threats by monitoring network traffic patterns and identifying anomalies. Developed by ZTE Corporation, the system has been successful in identifying various types of APT attacks, such as Duqu and TAO. With a focus on enhancing network security, the system has been effective in protecting against cyber threats and ensuring the integrity of network communication. Through continuous monitoring and analysis, the system is able to provide real-time alerts and notifications to network administrators, enabling them to take immediate action to mitigate any potential risks. Overall, the network traffic abnormal behavior analysis system is a crucial tool in the fight against advanced persistent threats and plays a key role in safeguarding network assets and data."
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