巴塞罗那大学 Oriol Pujol 的 Unreal Engine 动作角色扮演游戏项目实录

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本项目是 Oriol Pujol 指导下的计算机工程专业最终项目,由 Roger Rodríguez Camprubi 在巴塞罗那大学完成。项目名为《Iron and Time》,是一款动作角色扮演游戏(Action-RPG)的设计与实现,利用了 Epic Games 的 Unreal Engine 4 游戏引擎进行开发。以下是对该项目的详细分析和设计过程。 1. **动机与目标** (Motivation and Objectives) - 项目的初衷可能是为了探索虚幻4引擎的潜力,并通过开发一个沉浸式的游戏体验来提升技术技能和创造力。目标包括设计一套丰富的武器系统、能力(Abilities)、以及构建一个引人入胜的故事线。 2. **游戏设计** (Game Design) - 游戏概念阶段,作者可能对游戏的概念纸(Concept Paper)进行了深入研究,明确了游戏的核心玩法、世界观和角色设定。 - Game Design Document (GDD) 提供了更为详细的规划,涵盖了游戏机制、关卡设计、任务结构等要素。 - StoryDocument 和 PlotDocument 描述了游戏的剧情和角色驱动的互动,使玩家能够沉浸在故事之中。 - 游戏规格(Game Specifications)列出了性能需求和技术规范,确保游戏能在不同平台上稳定运行。 3. **技术应用** (Technology) - Unreal Engine 4 的使用带来了强大的图形渲染、物理模拟和人工智能功能,有助于创建逼真的游戏世界。 - Blueprint Technology 是蓝图编程系统,允许开发者通过可视化界面设计游戏逻辑,简化开发流程。 - 不同的文件类型,如材质、模型、动画和脚本文件,被组织和管理,以支持游戏的构建。 4. **项目结构与设计** (Project Structure and Design) - 项目采用了清晰的类结构,这有助于代码的组织和维护,提高了代码的可读性和可扩展性。 - 关卡设计(Level design)考虑了游戏环境、交互元素和玩家路径的选择。 5. **实施与测试** (Implementation and Testing) - 开发过程中,作者分享了他们在任务安排(Taskscheduling)上的经验和教训,以及版本迭代和bug修复的经历。 - 存在未解决的bug(The BUG),可能影响了部分游戏功能或体验,这是后续改进的重点。 6. **总结与反思** (Conclusions) - 结论部分回顾了已完成的工作(What is),指出了可以改进的地方(What should be and isn’t),提出了未来可能的发展方向(What may be),以及对未来版本的展望(What will become)。 7. **参考文献** (Bibliography) - 项目报告提供了参考文献列表,列举了用于学习和开发过程中所借鉴的相关资料。 整个项目展示了在虚幻4引擎上设计和实现一款动作角色扮演游戏的全过程,从概念构思到实际操作,包含了关键的设计决策、技术运用以及项目管理和测试经验。
2010-09-01 上传
从别人那儿下的,没有书签,自己加上的 Through four editions of this book, our goal has been to describe the basic principles underlying what will be tomorrow's technological developments. Our excitement about the opportunities in computer architecture has not abated, and we echo what we said about the field in the first edition: "It is not a dreary science of paper machines that will never work. No! It's a discipline of keen intellectual interest, requiring the balance of marketplace forces to cost-performance-power, leading to glorious failures and some notable successes." Our primary objective in writing our first book was to change the way people learn and think about computer architecture. We feel this goal is still valid and important. The field is changing daily and must be studied with real examples and measurements on real computers, rather than simply as a collection of definitions and designs that will never need to be realized. We offer an enthusiastic welcome to anyone who came along with us in the past, as well as to those who are joining us now. Either way, we can promise the same quantitative approach to, and analysis of, real systems. As with earlier versions, we have strived to produce a new edition that will continue to be as relevant for professional engineers and architects as it is for those involved in advanced computer architecture and design courses. As much as its predecessors, this edition aims to demystify computer architecture through an emphasis on cost-performance-power trade-offs and good engineering design. We believe that the field has continued to mature and move toward the rigorous quantitative foundation of long-established scientific and engineering disciplines.