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资源摘要信息:"本资源包包含了一系列的软件开发源码和相关工具脚本,主要涉及Java安卓开发、Python编程、爬虫技术、API开发以及人脸识别等技术领域。资源包中的内容对于学习和实践软件开发的相关技术有着重要的参考价值。 首先,资源包中的'java安卓仿微信聊天软件源码'部分,提供了使用Java语言开发的安卓应用源代码,该应用在功能上模仿了微信的聊天软件。开发者可以通过分析这些源码来学习如何设计和实现即时通讯应用的基本功能。此外,源码可能包含了用户界面设计、网络通信、数据库操作等关键模块,是学习安卓开发的好材料。 其次,资源包中还提供了使用Python语言编写的多个脚本,如'bazi/',这个脚本利用Python进行排八字,这属于中国传统文化领域在编程中的一个应用。脚本可能使用了一些传统的算命算法,对学习Python编程和了解中国传统文化有一定的帮助。 再来看资源包中与Python和Flask框架相关的部分,'flask/api_demo'目录下的代码展示了如何使用Python3和Flask库构建RESTful API。这是一个非常实用的技术点,RESTful API的构建是现代Web开发中的一项基本技能,通过这些示例代码,开发者可以学习到API设计、服务器端逻辑、以及如何通过网络接口与其他系统交互的知识。 另外,'book_scraper'目录包含了用于爬取书籍的Python脚本。在当前知识经济时代,自动化爬虫技术被广泛应用于数据采集领域,学习如何编写爬虫脚本不仅可以提高数据获取的效率,还能加深对网络协议和网页结构的理解。 资源包中还包含了一系列与人脸识别技术相关的Python脚本,如''、''、''等。这些脚本演示了如何通过Python进行人脸检测和分析,这对于学习计算机视觉和机器学习领域中的人脸识别技术非常有帮助。同时,它们也展示了在实际应用中如何处理人脸数据,如何进行错误统计和效率优化等问题。 资源包中还有一个''脚本,这个脚本使用了多进程技术来检查MD5值重复文件。MD5是一种广泛使用的加密散列函数,可以生成出一个128位的散列值,用于确保信息传输完整一致。了解MD5的使用和多进程编程,可以帮助开发者更好地处理文件校验和提高数据处理的效率。 最后,''脚本实现了类似Linux系统中paste命令的功能,即将多个文件的内容进行合并。这个脚本可以用于文本处理、日志分析等多种场景,是学习文件处理技术的一个简单实例。 标签'系统开源'表明了这份资源是完全开源的,意味着开发者可以自由地使用、学习、修改和分享这些资源。开源软件不仅促进了技术的交流与合作,还大大降低了学习和实践新技术的成本。 文件名称列表中的'ml-master'指向了一个以'ml'命名的主目录,可能包含了上述提到的所有代码和脚本。开发者可以在这个目录下找到所有的资源文件,并根据具体需求进行学习和应用。"
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安全渗透测试 [Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd - 2018.pdf]( Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd Edition pdf Discover the most common web vulnerabilities and prevent them from becoming a threat to your site's security Key Features Familiarize yourself with the most common web vulnerabilities Conduct a preliminary assessment of attack surfaces and run exploits in your lab Explore new tools in the Kali Linux ecosystem for web penetration testing Book Description Web applications are a huge point of attack for malicious hackers and a critical area for security professionals and penetration testers to lock down and secure. Kali Linux is a Linux-based penetration testing platform that provides a broad array of testing tools, many of which can be used to execute web penetration testing. Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook gives you the skills you need to cover every stage of a penetration test – from gathering information about the system and application, to identifying vulnerabilities through manual testing. You will also cover the use of vulnerability scanners and look at basic and advanced exploitation techniques that may lead to a full system compromise. You will start by setting up a testing laboratory, exploring the latest features of tools included in Kali Linux and performing a wide range of tasks with OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite and other web proxies and security testing tools. As you make your way through the book, you will learn how to use automated scanners to find security ?aws in web applications and understand how to bypass basic security controls. In the concluding chapters, you will look at what you have learned in the context of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and the top 10 web application vulnerabilities you are most likely to encounter, equipping you with the ability to combat them effectively. By the end of this book, you will have acquired the skills you need to identify, exploit, and prevent web application vulnerabilities. What you will learn Set up a secure penetration testing laboratory Use proxies, crawlers, and spiders to investigate an entire website Identify cross-site scripting and client-side vulnerabilities Exploit vulnerabilities that allow the insertion of code into web applications Exploit vulnerabilities that require complex setups Improve testing efficiency using automated vulnerability scanners Learn how to circumvent security controls put in place to prevent attacks Who this book is for Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook is for IT professionals, web developers, security enthusiasts, and security professionals who want an accessible reference on how to find, exploit, and prevent security vulnerabilities in web applications. The basics of operating a Linux environment and prior exposure to security technologies and tools are necessary.